Thursday, November 28, 2019

Impeachment: It’s all about the 911 cover up, Deep State embeds in CIA/NSA and State desperate to protect Bush/Obama Administrations’ failed foreign policy

From the impeachment testimony one thing is clear, the embeds in the NSA, State Department, and Executive Branch want Trump impeached for refusing to continue the failed foreign policy of Bush/Cheney and continued by Obama/Biden.  At issue is their deeply seated hatred of all things Russia and their disgust with presidential candidate, now President Donald Trump and his stated foreign policy.  Candidate Trump repeatedly stated his desire to normalize relations with Russia endangering the trillion dollar per year Pentagon budget to fight against nonexistent “Russian aggression.”  Trump’s foreign policy threatened the very livelihoods of the Deep State embeds in the CIA/NSA and State Department whose lucrative salaries have made them rich.

The impeachment of President Donald Trump was set in progress before he was ever elected President.  When candidate Donald Trump decimated the fable that President George W. Bush kept America safe after the 911 attacks by massive military spending and massive domestic surveillance, his fate was sealed.  Trump went where no politician was allowed to go, “Bush should have kept America safe BEFORE the 911 attacks.”

In 2001 after being in office only 7 months, W. Bush languished on a month-long vacation in Crawford, Texas as the intelligence community ran around desperately with “their hair on fire” warning that Bin laden was determined to launch a major attack on US.  Bush ignored all the warnings and simply couldn’t be bothered.  From


The Out-of-Towner
While Bush vacationed, 9/11 warnings went unheard.

In an otherwise dry day of hearings before the 9/11 commission, one brief bit of dialogue set off a sudden flash of clarity on the basic question of how our government let disaster happen.

The revelation came this morning, when CIA Director George Tenet was on the stand. Timothy Roemer, a former Democratic congressman, asked him when he first found out about the report from the FBI’s Minnesota field office that Zacarias Moussaoui, an Islamic jihadist, had been taking lessons on how to fly a 747. Tenet replied that he was briefed about the case on Aug. 23 or 24, 2001.

Roemer then asked Tenet if he mentioned Moussaoui to President Bush at one of their frequent morning briefings. Tenet replied, “I was not in briefings at this time.” Bush, he noted, “was on vacation.” He added that he didn’t see the president at all in August 2001. During the entire month, Bush was at his ranch in Texas. “You never talked with him?” Roemer asked. “No,” Tenet replied. By the way, for much of August, Tenet too was, as he put it, “on leave.”

And there you have it. National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice has made a big point of the fact that Tenet briefed the president nearly every day. Yet at the peak moment of threat, the two didn’t talk at all. At a time when action was needed, and orders for action had to come from the top, the man at the top was resting undisturbed.

Throughout that summer, we now well know, Tenet, Richard Clarke, and several other officials were running around with their “hair on fire,” warning that al-Qaida was about to unleash a monumental attack. On Aug. 6, Bush was given the now-famous President’s Daily Brief (by one of Tenet’s underlings), warning that this attack might take place “inside the United States…”

And now, we learn today, at this peak moment, Tenet hears about Moussaoui. Someone might have added 2 + 2 + 2 and possibly busted up the conspiracy. But the president was down on the ranch, taking it easy. Tenet wasn’t with him. Tenet never talked with him. Rice—as she has testified—wasn’t with Bush, either. He was on his own and, willfully, out of touch.

Yes, Tenet should have been fired and relieved of all duties and Rice should have been charged with lying under oath.  Tenet’s only job was to make sure America was safe, but like Bush he too was on vacation.  Tenet was actually a traitor, meeting regularly with Saudi foreign nationals.  It was Tenet who handed the torch to his buddy John Brennan who served under Obama.  From 911 Truth:


CIA Director George Tenet Facilitated 9/11

After becoming Director of the CIA (DCI) in 1997, George Tenet did what Louis Freeh had done after his appointment as FBI Director. He began to cultivate close personal relationships with the rulers of Saudi Arabia. Like Freeh, Tenet grew especially close to Prince Bandar, the Saudi ambassador to the United States. Bandar and Tenet often met at Bandar’s home near Washington yet Tenet did not share information from those meetings with his own officers who were handling Saudi issues at the Agency.

The CIA’s Saudi specialists only learned about Tenet’s dealings with the Saudi authorities inadvertently, through their Saudi contacts. It seems that Tenet was operating within a network that surpassed the interests of the American public. Therefore the unsolved crimes of 9/11, attributed largely to young men from Saudi Arabia, should be considered in light of Tenet’s actions.

As Deputy Director for the CIA, in 1996, Tenet had worked to install one of his closest friends and confidants, John Brennan, as CIA station chief in Saudi Arabia. Brennan is now the DCI but, in his previous role, Brennan often communicated directly with Tenet, avoiding the usual chain of command. At the time, as an apparent favor to the Saudis, CIA analysts were discouraged from questioning Saudi relationship to Arab extremists.

The unusual relationship that both George Tenet and Louis Freeh had with Saudi intelligence (and George H.W. Bush) recalls the private network that was created in the mid-1970s to accomplish covert actions though means of proxies. This private network included disgruntled CIA officers who had been fired by President Carter, as well as the group known as The Safari Club, and the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI)…

The BCCI network grew, with the blessing of DCI George H.W. Bush, through the guidance of the Safari Club, which needed a network of banks to help fund proxy operations, including off-the-books operations required by the CIA. This private network was utilized in the arming of the Mujahideen, the precursor to al Qaeda.

For Tenet’s treachery George W. Bush award Tenet the Presidential Medal of Freedom making a mockery of the award.

Guess the Presidential Medal of Freedom has basically become the Deep State Medal of Freedom as Obama awarded the medal to George H.W. Bush and Joe Biden.

After Trump quashed the Deep State’s excuse for exonerating George W. Bush’s total incompetence leading up to the 911 attacks, Trump went on to decimate the Deep State’s concocted fairy tale about Obama’s superior intellect that negated any need for experience.  Obama’s college transcripts, which have been sealed and hidden from the American people, had revealed a mediocre student with family ties to the CIA who had been groomed by none other than the Deep State’s Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Trump was not persona non grata having acquired the hatred of the Deep State’s loyal servant John Brennan.  Trump even toyed with the idea of unsealing the sealed records of who was responsible for the 911 attacks so the 911 families could be compensated.  The embeds in the CIA and FBI are virulently opposed to that happening and are fighting Trump to keep the records sealed in order to protect themselves.

Even before President Donald Trump secured the Republican nomination for president, the Deep State embeds had begun their dirty work in Ukraine to ensure that if Trump were to be elected president, the groundwork for impeachment was laid.  The Trump Administration would be infested the Deep State operatives ensuring the deadly status quo put in place by Bush/Cheney and Obama/Biden remained.  From Aletho News:


What Republicans Must Ask the Whistleblower

The whistleblower needs to be front and center in the impeachment proceedings on TV. Here’s why.

As the latest public spectacle unironically displaces daytime soap operas, the picture is starting to become clearer. The people testifying aren’t there to save America. They are a group of neo-somethings inside the administration who disagreed with Trump’s Ukraine policy and decided to derail it.

The plan was unlikely intended to lead to impeachment when things began to move back in May, after then-Ambassador to the Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch was fired. Contrary to the president’s policy the taxpayers paid her to represent, she had her own, and promoted confrontation with Russia over Ukraine and sought more military aid.

Bill Taylor was then installed as a figurehead in the embassy and Ukraine policy was taken away from hardliners at the State Department and NSC and handed over to America’s favorite knucklehead, Rudy Giuliani, and the inexperienced, Trump-appointee, Gordon Sondland.

The bureaucracy called a Code Red. They were needed on that wall to stand against Russia. It seemed easy enough. Ukraine was off most of the public’s radar, so some Op-Eds, Trump’s men nudged aside, and the mini-coup over Ukraine policy would have worked. John Bolton, who could have stepped in and told everyone to return to their seats or no snack time, was agog at the amateur efforts by Giuliani, and certainly no fan of a less robust Ukraine policy anyway.

Things got out of the group’s hands when Democrats, desperate for something to impeach on after Russiagate imploded, seized on the objections over Ukraine policy as slightly more than the nothing they otherwise had (the alternative was resurrecting the Stormy Daniels-Michael Avenatti-Michael Cohen sleaze fest.)

An objection over policy and who would run it was transformed into a vague smatter of quid pro quo based on that July 25 phone call, using a whistleblower’s undergrad-level prank “complaint” as the trigger.

And that’s why the whistleblower is very relevant. He knows nothing first-hand himself (neither does anyone else, see below, but someone had to go first) admitting in his complaint all his information is second hand. He is not anonymous; Google “who is the whistleblower” and you too can know everything official Washington and the media already know about him, back to his college days. So no one needs to fret about his safety, and no one needs to ask him any questions about the July 25 call.

Here is the question the whistleblower must be asked: how did this jump from policy disagreements among like-minded people (you, Vindman, Taylor, et al) to claims of an impeachable offense? Who engineered that jump? Was it Adam Schiff’s staffers who first met with the whistleblower?

Schiff lied about that contact. Or was it a partisan D.C. lawyer who has been trolling Twitter since Trump’s election looking for someone to hand him raw material he’d lawyer into a smoking gun (an organization he is connected with had mobile billboards advertising for whistleblowers circling the White House, the Capitol, the Pentagon, the CIA and the National Security Agency to try to attract clients)?

Did the whistleblower make himself into a pawn, or was he made into a pawn? The answer is very important because at this point how the whistleblower came to be at the ground zero of electoral politics tells us if this is a legitimate impeachment or a political assassination…

The popular impression is men like the whistleblower, Bill Taylor, and Alex Vindman are non-partisan, and there is some truth to that. They came up through a system which strongly emphasized service to the president, whomever that is. But it would be wrong to equally claim they are policy agnostic; in fact, likely quite the opposite.

They see themselves as experts, and in Vindman’s case, a native son, who know better. That’s why they were hired, to advise, and under Obama their advice (for better or worse, they wanted to bring us to war with Russia) was generally followed.

They knew they knew better than the Orange Clown who somehow ended up in the Oval Office and ignored them. They knew he was wrong, and talked and texted about it among themselves. That’s OK, normal even. But it appears they came to see Trump not just as wrong but as dangerous. Add in some taint of self-interest on Trump’s part, and he became evil…

With their testimony focused mostly on their disagreements with Trump’s Ukraine policy, and their own intellectual superiority, it seems such proclamations of conscience have more to do with what outcomes and policy the witnesses support and less to do with understanding that without an orderly system of government with a functioning chain of command all is chaos.

The Trump-deranged public is overlooking the dark significance of serving officials undermining the elected president because of policy disagreements.  They hate Trump so much they are tolerating insubordination, even cheering it. Now that’ll bite America back soon enough. You don’t join government to do whatever partisan thing you think is right; you serve under a system and a chain of command…

So let’s hear from the whistleblower and all the witnesses about that, not their second hand knowledge of Trump’s motivations, but their first hand knowledge of their own motivations.

Americans in government and military are mostly decent people. Unlike some who hold power in banana republics, they are unlikely to be convinced to undermine the president for personal gain. But give them a crusade, tell them they are heroes Mueller failed to be, and they will convince themselves anything is justified.

Those impure motivations are what transformed the witnesses now driving impeachment from being dissenters to insubordinate, into convincing themselves they needed to make a stand. Vindman gives it away, saying he twice “registered internal objections about how Mr. Trump and his inner circle were treating Ukraine,” out of what he called a “sense of duty.” Duty to what?

The not very anonymous whistleblower is only 33-years-old, but of the mold. Ivy League, CIA, language guy, a Ukraine specialist who found himself and his knowledge embraced by Obama and Biden — the right guy in the right place — UNTIL HE WAS SET ASIDE BY TRUMP WITH NEW POLICY.

Taylor fancies himself the last honest man, shepherding U.S.-Ukrainian policy through rough waters, having been ambassador to Ukraine 2006-2009. Yovanovitch was a partisan, representing her own vision, not that of the elected leadership, because she was sure she knew better after her years at State. Best and the brightest. They were professional, seasoned dammit, look at their resumes! The uniform!

If they came to being whistleblowers and then players in politics honestly, then were simply side-slipped into becoming pawns, they should be quietly retired, this generation’s Colin Powell. But if they are agent provocateurs, they need to be fired. That’s why we need to talk to the whistleblower, to understand that difference.

That’s for them, now for us. If this all was just a hearing on bad policy planning and what happens when knuckleheads like Rudy Giuliani get involved, it would make interesting history. If this was a long-overdue review of U.S. relations with Ukraine, it would be welcome. But as an attempt to impeach the president, it is a sordid, empty, brazen, political tactic hardly worthy of the term coup.

It sets a terrible example of what we will tolerate from the bureaucracy if we hate the incumbent president enough. It opens the door to political opportunism, and informs real would-be insubordinates how to proceed more effectively. It signals chaos to our allies and opens opportunity to our enemies.

There’s a fine line between necessary dissent and wicked insubordination, between conscience and disobedience, but there is a line and it appears to have been crossed here. The attack is no longer on policy, on which Taylor and Vindman may lay some claim, it is on the president and only the voters should have that say.

Peaceful transition of power in America after an election my ass.  But then peaceful transition of power was blown up in 2000 when the Deep State’s George W. Bush lost the election and Deep State operatives in the Republican Party with a nod from Deep State Democrats violently stopped the vote recount in Florida.  Deep State operatives violently protested outside Vice President Al Gore’s residence in the Naval Observatory screaming for the Gore Family to get out of “Dick Cheney’s House.”

The incoming Bush/Cheney Administration violently cracked down on protestors and rounded them up and shoved them into caged areas called “free speech zones” out of the vision of George W. Bush.  The passing of the “Help America Vote “the right way” Act” the codified into law paperless, unverifiable vote tallying machines and insane redistricting to subvert the will of the voters.    That status quo has remained since the overthrow of the American government December 12, 2000. 

When President Trump upset the Deep State apple cart and won the election on a platform of ending a war-based economy and rebuilding America, the fix was in.  That fix being impeachment.  The people you saw testifying before the impeachment committee are Deep State operatives who have been in charge of maintaining the status quo their livelihoods depend on. 

The ever-wars promoted by these “civil servants” have bankrupted America and left our homeland rife with drug addiction, completely decimated infrastructure and an electorate on the verge of civil war.  But the mantra of the lunatics is “ever-war means never having to say you’re sorry.”  They believe, as Churchill said “Success is the ability to move from one failure to another without loss of enthusiasm.”  From RT:


Iraq invasion ‘Godfather’ berates Trump for not thinking of NEXT WAR in Syria

Unreconstructed neocon Paul Wolfowitz has slammed President Donald Trump for ‘abandoning’ the Kurds, insisting the US will need them next time there’s a war in Syria. Trump’s blunder, then, is thinking wars can “end.”

The man once described by CNN as “the heart and soul of the Iraq war” points out in an op-ed in the New York Times on Thursday that decades of meddling in the Middle East have made the US some friends in the region – namely, the Kurds. Casting them aside, he says, will make future meddling much more difficult.

The failed war’s mastermind reminds Trump that because the US’ Kurdish and Arab allies were gracious enough to serve as cannon fodder in the fight against the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) in Syria and Iraq, the US lost just six soldiers, compared to 11,000 from the US-backed opposition. A less belligerent mind might see this as exploitation, rather than alliance – but friendship means never having to say “sorry I turned your homeland into a hotbed of sectarian conflict.”

When the next war comes around – and Wolfowitz assures us there will be a next war – the US will be sorry it spurned its Kurdish friends, he warns. The inveterate warmonger calls Trump short-sighted for viewing all engagement in the Middle East through the lens of the Iraq and Afghanistan quagmires, and holds up a failed Shiite uprising against Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein as a cautionary tale of what happens when the US isn’t lurking in the shadows ready to play World Police at the drop of a shell but glosses over the fact that every war Wolfowitz has backed in his lengthy career has ended with the “liberated” country all but turned to dust.

IN WOLFOWITZ’S VIEW, THERE IS NO “RIGHT” WAY TO LEAVE A WAR. “Walking away from [the Middle East] has a way of sucking America back in,” he warns – as if the power vacuum he warns will develop in the absence of a firm American hand to guide backward local politicos is an actual literal vacuum, capable of sucking American troops through space. The only way to prevent this is to prop up US “allies” at the helm of these countries and surround them with American “advisers” so they don’t make the mistake of listening to their people.

But even as he warns against allowing power vacuums to develop, he tears into former President Barack Obama for not backing the Syrian opposition’s efforts to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad, lamenting that a bit of support in the right place could have “toppled the regime…with little risk to Americans.” Apparently, some power vacuums are more dangerous than others.

Wolfowitz admitted in 2013 that the Iraq War was a disaster, but insisted this was only because he wasn’t actually its “architect,” all CNN plaudits aside – he had wanted Iraqi leadership from the start, rather than the embarrassingly colonialist look of having American “viceroy” Paul Bremer running the show. 

Americans would still be behind the scenes pulling the strings, however – he has bemoaned the lack of “leadership qualities” in Iraqi politicians as recently as 2017, insisting the US must maintain a presence in the country to keep it from “going to hell literally.” For a man who spends so much time mouthing platitudes about democracy, HE IS WILDLY ALLERGIC TO SELF-RULE BY MIDDLE EASTERN PEOPLES.

Had the Bush Administration simply done things according to his plan – adopted the properly colonialist model of backing one group of Iraqis against the others – everything would have been peachy.

That complete lack of insight has made Wolfowitz one of the loudest cheerleaders for any and all wars since his tenure. He was a big fan of invading Libya, and wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal begging Trump to bomb Syria (which Trump did).

It’s astonishing that any serious politician still listens to the man who infamously promised in 2003 that the Iraqi people “would greet [American troops] as liberators, obviating the need for a heavy troop presence in the country.

Trump’s repeated attempts at leaving Syria have all crumbled in the face of opposition from the entrenched interests that Wolfowitz represents. But if he stops even trying to pull Americans out of the region, Wolfowitz will be right – these wars will keep happening.

Yep the Zionist traitors installed in every government agency by Bush/Cheney never left.  They have been running a shadow government covertly financed by American taxpayers and banking cartels.  The CIA/FBI, State Department and congress itself are corrupt beyond the point of redemption and must be completely eradicated.  From Strategic Culture


Rethinking National Security: CIA and FBI Are Corrupt, but What About Congress?

The developing story about how the US intelligence and national security agencies may have conspired to influence and possibly even reverse the results of the 2016 presidential election is compelling, even if one is disinclined to believe that such a plot would be possible to execute.

Not surprisingly perhaps there have been considerable introspection among former and current officials who have worked in those and related government positions, many of whom would agree that there is urgent need for a considerable restructuring and reining in of the 17 government agencies that have some intelligence or law enforcement function.

Most would also agree that much of the real damage that has been done has been the result of the unending global war on terror launched by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, which has showered the agencies with resources and money while also politicizing their leadership and freeing them from restraints on their behavior.

If the tens of billions of dollars lavished on the intelligence community together with a “gloves off” approach towards oversight that allowed them to run wild had produced good results, it might be possible to argue that it was all worth it. But the fact is that intelligence gathering has always been a bad investment even if it is demonstrably worse at the present.

One might argue that the CIA’s notorious Soviet Estimate prolonged the Cold War and that the failure to connect dots and pay attention to what junior officers were observing allowed 9/11 to happen. And then there was the empowerment of al-Qaeda during the Soviet-Afghan war followed by failure to penetrate the group once it began to carry out operations.

More recently there have been Guantanamo, torture in black prisons, renditions of terror suspects to be tortured elsewhere, killing of US citizens by drone, turning Libya into a failed state and terrorist haven, arming militants in Syria, and, of course, the Iraqi alleged WMDs, the biggest foreign policy disaster in American history.

AND THE BAD STUFF HAPPENED IN BIPARTISAN FASHION, under Democrats and Republicans, with both neocons and liberal interventionists all playing leading roles. The only one punished for the war crimes was former CIA officer and whistleblower John Kiriakou, who exposed some of what was going on.

Colonel Pat Lang, a colleague and friend who directed the Defense Intelligence Agency HUMINT (human intelligence) program after years spent on the ground in special ops and foreign liaison, thinks that strong medicine is needed and has initiated a discussion based on the premise that the FBI and CIA are dysfunctional relics that should be dismantled, as he puts it “burned to the ground,” so that the federal government can start over again and come up with something better...

On the domestic front, he cites his personal observation of efforts by the Department of Justice and the FBI to corruptly “frame” people tried in federal courts on national security issues as well as the intelligence/law enforcement community conspiracy to “get Trump…”

But the fundamental problem may not be with the police and intelligence services themselves. There are a lot of idiots running around loose in Washington. Witness for example the impeachment hearings ludicrous fact free opening statement by House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff (with my emphasis) “In 2014, Russia invaded a United States ally, Ukraine, to reverse that nation’s embrace of the West, and to fulfill Vladimir Putin’s desire to rebuild a Russian empire…”

Another former intelligence community friend Ray McGovern has constructed a time line of developments in Ukraine which demolishes the establishment view on display in Congress relating to the alleged Russian threat. First of all, Ukraine was no American ally in 2014 and is no “critical ally” today.

Also, the Russian reaction to western supported rioting in Kiev, a vital interest, only came about after the United States spent $5 billion destabilizing and then replacing the pro-Kremlin government. Since that time Moscow has resumed control of the Crimea, which is historically part of Russia, and is active in the Donbas region which has a largely Russian population.

It should really be quite simple. The national security state should actually be engaged in national security. Its size and budget should be commensurate with what it actually does, nothing more. It should not be roaming the world looking for trouble and should instead only respond to actual threats.

And it should operate with oversight. If Congress is afraid to do it, set up a separate body that is non-partisan and actually has the teeth to do the job.  If the United States of America comes out of the process as something like a normal nation the entire world will be a much happier place.

America is anything but a normal nation at this time.  The only way to return to normalcy is to remove the traitorous Zionist war mongers from our government and turn them over to the international criminal court.  The coup in Ukraine has cost the lives of thousands and continues to this day with the “military aid” we supply being used against the Russian speaking people of Ukraine.  What about the “rule of law” the Democrats and “never Trump Republicans” speak of?  From Information Clearing House.


Imperialism and the Rule of Law

Watching the Trump impeachment hearings, one hears again and again the phrase, ‘the rule of law’ uttered with great solemnity.  The phrase is followed very closely by another slogan, ‘fighting corruption’.  The American public is told by the congressional democrats on the House Judiciary Committee that in effect, impeaching President Trump is an imperative action needed to set an example to the world that the United States upholds ‘democracy’ and the ‘the rule of law’. 

Furthermore, the public is told that U.S. policy in the Ukraine is designed to counter ‘Russian aggression’ and reverse the ‘Russian invasion’ of that beleaguered country.  That no such ‘aggression’ or ‘invasion’ has taken place is irrelevant to democrats and republicans alike.

 Several questions should be asked by way of examining the political rhetoric currently being used to justify U.S. foreign policy in Ukraine.  FIRSTLY, was the 2014 U. S. sponsored coup d’Ă©tat of President Victor Yanukovych an example of upholding democracy?  

SECONDLY, was supporting ultra-rightwing and neo-Nazi shock troops in the 2014 Maiden uprising as did U.S. senator John McCain an example of respecting the rule of law?   

THIRDLY, was the intervention undertaken by Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland and U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt into the domestic political affairs of Ukraine that resulted in the selection of that government’s pro-Western Yatsenyuk leadership in the wake of the coup an example of democratic governance? 

FOURTHLY, was placing the Ukraine in debt to the IMF to the tune of $18 Billion and requiring that the government slash its national gas subsidies thereby contributing to a 50% increase in gas prices an example of exercising the rule of law? 

FIFTHLY, is funding a war in the Ukraine that has cost the lives of an estimated 13,000 people by delivering military aid to the pro- Western Kiev government an example of the United States promoting democracy and human rights?

 In effect, the answer to all of the above questions is ‘yes’ if we mean the law of the imperialist jungle.  The answer is ‘no’ if we mean international and constitutional law.  U.S. imperialism is above the law in the latter sense.  Imperialist diplomacy is conducted by gangsters who routinely make offers to other leaders that cannot be refused.  Yanukovych was deposed after refusing to take loans from the IMF. 

His replacement, the Ukrainian businessman and oligarch, Petro Poroshenko, had no such qualms.  The popular Ukrainian actor and hapless new President Volodymyr Zelensky is left to pick up the pieces of a broken state wrecked by war, neo-liberal privatization and the attendant oligarchical corruption that flows in its wake.

Since the 911 attacks Americans have been brutalized by the banks and insurance companies and driven into bankruptcy.  Our infrastructure is almost beyond repair and no end to the carnage in sight.  However members of congress, their families and staffers are now mostly millionaires.  How does that happen? 

There’s millions to be made in wars, with almost zero oversight of where the money goes. The destruction of the World Trade Center was a controlled demolition, so was the financial collapse of 2008.  Trillions in savings, pensions and stocks went from ordinary people’s portfolios into the coffers of predatory lenders, banking cartels and bailouts.  From Washington Examiner:


Hunter Biden-linked company received $130M in special federal loans while Joe Biden was vice president

An investment firm linked to Hunter Biden received over $130 million in federal bailout loans while his father Joe Biden was vice president and routed profits through a subsidiary in the Cayman Islands, according to federal banking and corporate records reviewed by the Washington Examiner.

Financial experts said the offshore corporate structure could have been used to shield earnings from U.S. taxes.  Rosemont Capital, an investment firm at the center of Hunter Biden’s much-scrutinized financial network, was one of the companies approved to participate in the 2009 federal loan program known as the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility, or TALF.

Under the program, the U.S. Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve Bank issued billions of dollars in highly favorable loans to select investors who agreed to buy bonds that banks were struggling to offload, INCLUDING BUNDLED COLLEGE AND AUTO LOANS.

According to federal records, 177 firms participated in TALF, many of them well connected in Washington or on Wall Street. FOR INVESTORS, THERE WAS LITTLE RISK AND A HIGH CHANCE OF REWARD. The Federal Reserve funded as much as 90% of the investments. If the bonds were profitable, the borrowers benefited. If not, the department agreed to take over the depreciated assets with no repercussions for the borrowers.

“It's very complicated to become qualified as a TALF borrower or as a TALF fund, if you will,” Carol Pepper, a wealth management specialist, told Forbes in 2009. “But that's an example of where, if you can get into a TALF fund, you can benefit from this government program.”

Under the terms for the program, any U.S. company looking to invest in select categories of bonds was eligible to apply for the loans. However, the Treasury Department and Federal Reserve maintained the “right to reject a borrower for any reason,” and the internal selection process was criticized by some lawmakers as opaque and open to corruption.

“How can my constituents in Vermont get some of that money? Who makes the decisions? Do you guys sit around in a room — do you make it? Are there conflicts of interest?” Sen. Bernie Sanders asked Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Ben Bernanke at a March 3, 2009, Senate hearing. “Do you have to be a large, greedy, reckless financial institution to apply for these monies?”

JOE BIDEN WAS A KEY ADVOCATE FOR THE FINANCIAL BAILOUT, which was approved under the Bush administration and expanded under President Barack Obama. He delayed his Senate resignation in January 2009 to cast his final vote to increase funding for the Troubled Asset Relief Program before taking office as vice president.

“These guys are not the most likable guys in the world,” Biden said about the banks and hedge funds aided by the government intervention. "But here are the facts ... Had we not bailed out the largest bank institutions in the world, there would have been a flat-out depression.”

One of the firms that benefited was Rosemont Capital, a company led by Hunter Biden’s business partners, Chris Heinz and Devon Archer. The firm received the loans at a crucial time for Hunter Biden. The younger Biden had stepped down from his lobbying business in late 2008, reportedly due to pressure on his father’s vice presidential campaign.

Biden, Heinz, and Archer incorporated Rosemont Seneca Partners in Delaware on June 25, 2009. The “alternative investment and market advisory firm” was an offshoot of Rosemont Capital, which held a 50% stake in the new venture. Rosemont Seneca and Rosemont Capital shared the same office address in lower Manhattan and the same New York phone number, according to Securities and Exchange Commission documents.

Three weeks after Rosemont Seneca was incorporated, a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital, called Rosemont TALF SPV, received $23.5 million in federal loans through the TALF program. THIS INCLUDED $13.4 MILLION TO INVEST IN STUDENT LOANS AND $11.1 MILLION TO INVEST IN SUBPRIME AUTO LOANS. Over five months, the company received a total of $130 million from the program in multiple installments for investments in subprime credit cards and residential mortgages.

“This is a great example of the suspicion of many Americans that these bailouts were used to benefit connected insiders while ordinary Americans went broke,” said Tom Anderson, director of the Government Integrity Project at the National Legal and Policy Center, an organization that was critical of TALF at the time.

Although the government stopped issuing the loans at the end of 2009, the names of the well-connected borrowers and investors were later released — prompting new criticism from lawmakers and the press. In April 2011, Rolling Stone reported that millions in TALF loans had been issued to the wife of Morgan Stanley Chairman John Mack, Miami Dolphins owner H. Wayne Huizenga, and Wall Street titan John Paulson, DUBBING THE PROGRAM “WELFARE FOR THE RICH...”

“It has been estimated that each year corporations and wealthy individuals avoid approximately $100 billion in U.S. taxes through the use of abusive and illegal tax shelters,” wrote Sanders in a letter to Bernanke. “Why would the Fed lend to material investors located in the Cayman Islands?”

Federal Reserve records show Rosemont Capital was one of the companies that set up an offshore limited partnership, called “Rosemont TALF Investment Fund LP,” to participate in the TALF program. The fund was incorporated in the Cayman Islands on May 14, 2009, and dissolved on Nov. 14, 2014, according to corporate records in the British territory. The fund was managed by a Delaware-based subsidiary of Rosemont called “Rosemont TALF GP,” SEC records show.

Another investor in Rosemont’s TALF fund, called “Rosemont TALF Opportunities Fund II,” was also based in the Cayman Islands. Additional Rosemont TALF investors included two Greek shipping magnates, a California class action attorney and a financial trust based in Liberia.

Tax experts said the Cayman Islands were a popular location at the time for hedge funds and corporations to set up subsidiaries in order to avoid paying certain U.S. taxes. Didier Jacobs, a senior policy adviser at Oxfam America who focuses on international finance, said an estimated $2.7 trillion was parked in the Cayman Islands and other tax havens prior to the U.S. tax reform in 2017…

“It seems like a pretty basic ask that any recipient of these TALF loans would act in certain ways. And one of those ways would be to not organize their businesses to avoid taxes in the Caymans,” said Gardner.

Joe Biden was one of the biggest proponents of bankruptcy protection for banks legislation that enslaved a generation of young people with non-dischargeable student loan debt.  While serving as Vice President, Joe Biden and his family became very rich off of war and bank bailouts.  Barack Obama who entered the White House in 2008 supposedly with student loan debt became very rich as well.  Obama was installed as president by Wall Street Banks who laundered over $300 million dollars into his presidential campaign in October of 2008.  In return Obama would oversee the bank bailouts.  Not only did no one on Wall Street get charged fraud, but Obama bailed out the corrupt bankers, bonuses and all.  When Obama left the White House he received $65 million dollars laundered through a publishing house for his “memoirs.”  The American people didn’t fare so well.

Presidential candidate Donald Trump understood the anger, outrage and pain that was bubbling up in the American psyche.  Trump spoke to the unfairness and the injustice that was commonplace in America, where billionaires buy politicians in return for tax cuts, bailouts and government contracts.  In America there is one set of laws for the American people and one set of “get out of jail free” cards for the rich. 

Trump called out billionaires like Jeff Bezos who owns the monopoly Amazon and the CIA funded Washington Post.  It was those billionaires and their bought and paid for politicians and spooks that decided to destroy Trump and those that supported him.  Now their dirty deeds and self-dealing are being exposed.  From Epoch Times:


Court Filing: Obama Holdover Heading Office Under Investigation for ‘Illegally Leaked’ Classified Document

The Obama holdover heading the Pentagon office reportedly under investigation by the U.S. attorney who is conducting the criminal probe of the Trump–Russia investigation was accused of leaking a classified document, in a recent court filing for retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.

According to a Nov. 21 report by independent journalist Sara Carter, U.S. Attorney John Durham is questioning personnel in the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment (ONA). ONA awarded about $1 million in contracts to FBI informant Stefan Halper, who appears to have played a key role in alleged U.S. intelligence agency spying on 2016 Trump campaign advisers Carter Page and George Papadopoulos.

In addition, however, a court filing indicates that ONA’s director, James H. Baker, “is believed to be the person who illegally leaked the transcript of Mr. Flynn’s calls” to The Washington Post. Specifically, the filing states, “ONA Director Baker regularly lunched with Washington Post Reporter David Ignatius.”

The filing adds that Baker “was Halper’s ‘handler’” at ONA. Moreover, according to the court filing, the tasks assigned to “known long-time operative for the CIA/FBI” Halper “seem to have included slandering Mr. Flynn with accusations of having an affair with a young professor (a British national of Russian descent).”

Baker didn’t respond to a request for comment by The Epoch Times as of press time.

The filing notes that Flynn’s defense team has requested phone records for then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, likewise in order to confirm contacts with Ignatius. The filing singles out records for Jan. 10, 2017, when, according to the filing, “Clapper told Ignatius in words to the effect of ‘take the kill shot on Flynn.’”

Clapper didn’t respond to a request for comment by The Epoch Times as of press time.

The Pentagon’s current inspector general has already found that Baker’s office “did not maintain documentation of the work performed by Professor Halper or any communication that ONA personnel had with Professor Halper.” As a result, according to the inspector general, ONA staff “could not provide sufficient documentation that Professor Halper conducted all of his work in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.”

Acting Pentagon Inspector General Glenn A. Fine in November 2017 started an investigation into charges that Baker retaliated against a whistleblower who red-flagged “rigged” contracts, including Halper’s. Another $11 million in contracts under scrutiny went to the Long Term Strategy Group (LTSG), which is run by a schoolmate of Chelsea Clinton, whom she has referred to as her “best friend.”

According to the whistleblower’s attorney, “Baker’s interest was his awareness of the LTSG-Clinton connection; his presumptive desire to exploit that to his advantage in the event of a Clinton election win; and the fact that contractors like LTSG served as a lucrative landing pad for ONA retirees.” 

The attorney charged that Baker’s claims about the whistleblower were “demonstrably false,” calling Baker “partisan and highly vindictive...” 

Raising additional questions, a 2016 report further revealed that the ONA had failed to produce the top-secret net assessments the office was established to conduct for more than 10 years, even with a yearly budget approaching $20 million.

Baker was named as ONA director on May 14, 2015, during the Obama administration. A contemporaneous report called his appointment “part of a wave of new Pentagon personnel moves in recent days, senior-level officials who will outlast President Obama’s final term in office…”

The House Judiciary and Oversight committees—which interviewed almost two dozen witnesses—concluded in December 2018 that the Obama Justice Department treated Trump and Clinton unequally, affording Clinton and her associates extraordinary accommodations, while potentially abusing surveillance powers to investigate Trump’s associates…

Jacqueline Deal, president of LTSG, wrote in an email to The Epoch Times: “My colleagues and I began performing work in support of the Office of Net Assessment during the George W. Bush administration, over a decade before the office’s current director was appointed. … None of the awards received by LTSG from the Department of Defense resulted directly or indirectly from the actions or influence of Secretary [Hillary] Clinton. Any statement or implication otherwise is false.”

The entire purpose of the Russia-gate/Ukraine-gate impeachment is to preserve the 911 cover up.  The attack was perpetrated by the CIA/NSA and State Department Zionist traitors in order to subjugate the American people to slaves of unending wars.  From State of the Nation:


9/11 FACT: The Pentagon Was Hit By A Cruise Missile From The U.S. Military Arsenal

The Whole World Has Waited For 13 Years For 9/11 Truth And Justice.

Nations Everywhere Plead With The US Citizenry To Take Back Their Country.


Because the very same people who are responsible for the 9/11 terror attacks continue to conduct false flag operations across the planet, starting new wars and bringing armed conflicts to once peaceful lands.

The shadow government controlling the USA has used the pretext of 9/11 to wage wars wherever they are in competition for resources, especially oil and gas reserves, oil and gas conduits, oil refineries and sea ports.

The same unelected criminal cabal routinely uses the overwhelming US military capability to shock and awe any defenseless nation which presents an attractive geopolitical advantage.  Likewise, they invade countries at will that disobey their orders or attempt to go their own way.

How are the same people, who pulled off the 9/11 INSIDE JOB, still in power? !  They’re still being paid by US taxpayers or collecting government pension funds or covered by state-run health insurance programs.

This state of affairs is no longer acceptable, not that it ever was.

Only the American people can demand the justice due to the 125 unfortunate souls who perished in the Pentagon on 9/11.  As well as to the thousands of office workers who died in the Twin Towers.

WHO was killed in the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon, and WHY?  Isn’t it time to seriously investigate 9/11 truth so that the real perpetrators can be brought to justice?  Especially when those same misguided individuals are still running the country.

If not now … WHEN?

If not us … WHO?

If not here in the land of the free and the home of the brave … then WHERE?

Indeed, this impeachment is all about the 911 cover up by the CIA/NSA and State Department and their hijacking of the American government.  Americans must take back their government from the Zionist traitors who have seized control of the levers of power and used American military might to destroy not only America, but countries and peoples across the world. 

Let this Zionist backed impeachment be the bridge too far.  Let this Zionist backed impeachment show the world once and for all that Americans are a good and decent people whose government has been seized from them under the guise of a war on terror.  These Zionist backed terrorists must be excised from the American government and be brought to justice once and for all.  God help us because we no longer know who we can trust but one thing is for sure, we cannot trust those pushing this impeachment hoax for they are the terrorists among us who will keep the world in a constant state of war.

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