Wednesday, December 19, 2018

She’s ready to blow and Trump knows it but he’s ready for it

What if the reason Trump is pulling out the troops from Syria is the jig is up, she’s ready to blow and Trump knows it.   He knows it and he’s ready for it.  You see the dollar used to be backed by gold.  There was a limit to how much money the Federal Reserve could print up based on the gold reserves.  Johnson had paid for the Vietnam war by taking funds from Social Security leaving a note promising to pay it back. 

When Nixon came into office he needed more money and they were running out of accounts to pilfer so Nixon switched us over a fiat currency.  Instead of dollars printed up by the Federal Reserve being backed by gold it was backed by “the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government and the Saudi’s to only accept the petrodollar for oil.


Since 1971, U.S. citizens have been able to utilize Federal Reserve notes as the only form of money, and for the first time had no currency with any gold or silver backing. This is where you get the saying that U.S. dollars are backed by the “full faith and credit” of the U.S. government.         

Yep she’s ready to blow and Trump knows it, I think that’s why he’s allowed congress to pass a trillion dollar tax cut, she’s ready to blow and Trump knows it.  Last I checked there’s something like $10 trillion missing at the Pentagon, there’s a 3 trillion in student debt since they passed the bankruptcy protection for banks law that kept students in debt for the rest of their lives, and if their parents co-signed, they are equally responsible for the rest of their lives.  She’s ready to blow and Trump knows it.

Amazon’s Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post and is the richest man in the Federal Reserve Bank System.  You see we have to keep fighting wars because that’s where the Federal Reserve profits the most and they get interest on that.  When Wall Street was bailed out the Federal Reserve printed up $43 trillion and they divvied up the bill between the US, and the EU countries.  The EU countries all owe trillions of dollars to the Federal Reserve Bank.  She’s ready to blow and Trump knows it.

All the while the Fed was printing up more Federal Reserve notes for congress, Putin was forming an economic alliance called the BRICS standing for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.  The BRICS have formed their own banking system that only accepts currencies backed by gold.   From CNBC:


China will 'compel' Saudi Arabia to trade oil in yuan — and that's going to affect the US dollar

"I believe that yuan pricing of oil is coming and as soon as the Saudis move to accept it — as the Chinese will compel them to do — then the rest of the oil market will move along with them," Carl Weinberg, chief economist and managing director at High Frequency Economics, told CNBC.

·        In recent years, several nations opposed to the dollar being the world's reserve currency have progressively sought to try and abandon it

·        OPEC kingpin Saudi Arabia is at the crux of the petrodollar

The only Reason the BRICS haven’t done this sooner was because in order for any bank in the world to perform international transactions they can only process them through the Federal Reserve Bank’s SWIFT bank:

SWIFT is a financial network that provides high-value cross-border transfers for members across the world. It is based in Belgium, but its board includes executives from US banks with US federal law allowing the administration to act against banks and regulators across the globe. It supports most interbank messages, connecting over 11,000 financial institutions in more than 200 countries and territories.

Now I get it, that’s why Trump is allowing congress to sanction Russia to the hilt, Russia is divesting of the dollar.  The Russian alternative to the SWIFT system is up and running and extremely popular.   This was in RT November 2, 2018:


Russia's alternative to SWIFT payment system poised to eclipse the original – MP

Russia’s money transfer system, developed as an alternative to SWIFT is now more popular than the global network, said Anatoly Aksakov, head of the Russian parliamentary committee on financial markets.

He explained that Moscow is already engaged in talks with Chinese, Turkish and Iranian financial regulators on integrating its System for Transfer of Financial Messages (SPFS) with financial messaging systems of those countries.

“The number of users of our internal financial messages’ transfer system is now greater than that of those using SWIFT. We’re already holding talks with China, Iran and Turkey, along with several other countries, on linking our system with their systems,” Aksakov said…

Russia has already worked out a cooperation mechanism with Tehran and mentioned the possibility of direct transactions with Iranian companies, according to the MP.

The Central Bank of Russia, which has developed the SPFS, said earlier that 416 Russian companies and government organizations had joined the system as of September. They include the Russian Federal Treasury and large state corporations, including Gazprom Neft, Rosneft, and others.

The development of SPFS began in 2014 in response to Washington’s threats of disconnecting Russia from SWIFT. The first transaction on the SPFS network involving a non-bank enterprise was held in December 2017.

The European Union also considered creating an alternative to SWIFT to help European companies bypass US sanctions against Iran. That proposal stalled in Brussels and major European firms left Iran.

She’s ready to blow and Trump knows it, that’s why he hired two mega hawks, John Bolton and Mike Pompeo, they were sure to get congress to print up trillions more Federal Reserve Notes for war.  Most members of congress are billionaires, they made it insider trading and profiting off war but it’s all in dollars.  She’s gonna blow and Trump knows it.

I think that's what the meeting between Trump and Putin in Helsinki was about and why no one else was allowed in.  They were discussing when was the time to pull the plug on the Federal Reserve Bank and its congressional lackey’s.  The time is now, and the first thing Trump did was pull our troops out of Syria IMMEDIATELY.  I never cite CNN but this was too rich:


In Syria withdrawal, Trump discards advice from allies and officials

Washington (CNN) Seated at the head of his Situation Room conference table, President Donald Trump was adamant: American troops must come home from Syria. He had just announced as much to a crowd in Ohio. The assembled military and national security advisers told him the move was rash and unwise. So he gave them six months.

Eight months later, planning for the withdrawal is now underway -- against the advice of those same officials, who warned in April that Russia and Iran would gain stronger footholds in Syria when the US presence there evaporates.

On Capitol Hill, even some of Trump's GOP allies were warning of a grave mistake.  "My sense is that it's been a shock through the administration that this was made," Senate Foreign Relations chairman Bob Corker told reporters on Wednesday after returning from the White House, where he had traveled to meet with Trump but was told as he waited the meeting was canceled.

"It's hard to imagine that any president would wake up and make this kind of decision with this little communication, with this little preparation," Corker said. "I mean, my understanding is that we're beginning to move out right now."

U.S. preparing for "full" and "rapid" withdrawal from Syria 08:09

In conversations over the past several days, top presidential advisers have counseled Trump that withdrawing personnel from Syria would amount to a retreat from the region and allow adversarial nations to gain influence. Those cautioning against a rapid and immediate withdrawal included Defense Secretary James Mattis, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and national security adviser John Bolton, according to people familiar with the discussions.

Resistance to the move was strong among some in the administration. A senior administration official told CNN's Jake Tapper that the President's decision to withdraw US troops from Syria is "a mistake of colossal proportions and the President fails to see how it will endanger our country…"

Diplomatic sources from two countries in the region said their countries were not consulted or informed, and described the news of the planned withdrawal as a "total surprise."

Trump did alert one key ally two days ahead of the announcement: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In a phone call with Trump on Monday, and a subsequent conversation with Pompeo on Tuesday, the US leaders assured him the Americans had "other ways of expressing their influence in the area," according to a statement from Netanyahu's office.

In a closed-door lunch with Senate Republicans, lawmakers gave Vice President Mike Pence an "earful" about the decision, according to Corker.  Speaking afterward, Corker said he felt badly for the vice president, who was acting as an emissary to angry lawmakers.  "He had talking points," Corker said. "There's no way he could really defend. He did what a loyal soldier would do."

Trump's top ally in the Senate, Sen. Lindsay Graham, was firmer.
"I want you to tell the President directly that this is a huge mistake," he said he told Pence. "You are putting in motion ISIS getting a foothold again. They are not defeated."

Pence addressed the issue by saying Trump "made a commitment to get out of foreign entanglements," Graham said. But the vice president himself ignored reporters' questions on the matter, instead staring ahead blankly as he departed.

It was an astonishing level of pushback from Republicans who, time and again, have avoided overt criticism of their party's leader. It reflected deep unease among national security experts and advisers about the decision to abruptly withdraw troops from Syria without consulting members of Congress or gathering consensus among the administration's national security team…


Derek Chollet, a former US assistant secretary of defense in the Obama administration, said much of Washington, including administration officials, lawmakers and Iran hawks have been the victims of "wishful thinking" when it comes to Trump.

"We've learned over and over, on issue after issue, that the President has his views, his instincts and that the administration is more often than not on a different page," Chollet said. "He's shown time and again he doesn't listen to logic or reason."

She’s ready to blow and Trump knows it.  Trump knows it and he’s ready for it.  I think Trump made a deal with Putin and the BRICS and he plans to put America back on the gold standard and join the BRICS Banking System where the only currency accepted is currency backed by gold.  Merry Christmas America from President Donald J. Trump. She’s ready to blow and Trump is ready, he’s saving the American people and the FED and the corrupt banks and billionaires are going down.  God Bless America Trump has Made America  Great Again

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