Sunday, January 6, 2019

Deep State’s Nancy Pelosi like the Reverend Henry Kane in Poltergeist leads Democratic Party to its death

“Now, hold on to yourselves. There's one more thing: a terrible presence is in there with her. So much rage, so much betrayal - I've never sensed anything like it. I don't know what hovers over this house, but it was strong enough to punch a hole into this world and take your daughter away from you. It keeps Carol Anne very close to it, and away from the spectral light. It lies to her - it says things only a child can understand. It has been using her to restrain the others. To her, it simply is another child. To us, it is the Beast.” ~ ~ Tangina Barrons about the Beast (Reverend Henry Kane).        

They’re back.  The same leadership in the Democratic Party that led the party into the putrid caverns of the Deep State that led to their near extinction in 2008, Pelosi and her lieutenants have returned with their revolting agenda of austerity for the American people in order to spend trillions on endless war.  Pelosi’s first tenure as Speaker of the House was an abject failure for the American people.  Pelosi is the Deep State’s Reverend Kane, reveling in the suffering and destruction she and her cohorts exact on the American people and feeding off the energy of the newly elected Democrats in congress.  From World Socialist Website:


US House Democrats reaffirm right-wing program of austerity, bipartisanship

The 116th Congress opened Thursday with a nearly unanimous vote by the Democrats in the House of Representatives reaffirming their commitment to austerity by adopting a rules package which includes a “pay as you go” provision, requiring any increased spending on social programs or tax cuts to be offset by equivalent budget cuts or tax increases. The Democrats took control of the House for the first time in eight years following November’s midterms while the Republicans increased their majority in the Senate.

The new rules were moved by Democratic Representative Nancy Pelosi who was re-elected to the position of Speaker of the House earlier in the day, giving her effective control of its legislative agenda. Pelosi became the first woman to be elected Speaker when she held the position from 2007 to 2011. As Speaker, she is now second in line of succession for the presidency behind Vice President Mike Pence.

Pelosi’s great “achievement” in her first stint as Speaker was the 2010 passage of the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, aimed at shifting much of the burden of paying for health insurance from businesses and the government onto the backs of workers.  In 2007, she worked closely with her top aides, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and Majority Whip James Clyburn, to block any efforts to impeach President George W. Bush and ensure an unending stream of funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Hoyer and Clyburn have been returned to those positions for the 116th Congress.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy congratulates Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi…

The House passed two bills on Thursday which would reopen the government. However, the bills, modeled on legislation passed by the Republican-controlled Senate last year, must win Senate passage again in the new legislative session. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he will not allow action on the House legislation because Trump has already declared he will not sign it since it does not include his demand for border wall funding…

Indeed, her first speech as Speaker was an olive branch to the right-wing within her own party as well as to the Republicans in Congress, singling out for praise Republican presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush and calling for bipartisanship, meaning an even further shift to the right by the Democratic Party.

Pelosi was elected in a carefully orchestrated vote Thursday afternoon with the support of all but 12 Democratic representatives. The vote came after weeks of horse-trading and backroom deals in which Pelosi had to agree to a four-year term limit to win over a dozen members, mainly on the right wing of the Democratic caucus, who had threatened to block her election.

Among those who voted for Pelosi were Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, both members of the pseudo-left Democratic Socialists of America faction of the Democratic Party. That they both cast their votes for Pelosi’s right-wing promise of bipartisanship, and Tlaib for a rules package which commits the House to austerity, shows that their association with socialism is entirely false, meant only to misdirect youth and workers who are looking for a genuine alternative to capitalism, and trap them within the Democratic Party.

Newly elected CIA Democrats made up a significant portion of those who did not vote for Pelosi, opposing her from the right, including former CIA officers Abigail Spanberger of Virginia, Elissa Slotkin of Michigan and Afghan war veteran Max Rose of New York.

Despite the much touted “historic” character of the newly sworn-in Congress, which will see the most female and minority representatives seated in US history, all of them go to Washington, D.C., as representatives of the capitalist class and enemies of the working class. The growing number of women, African Americans, Muslims and other minorities will do nothing to push Congress to the left.

The majority of members of Congress are millionaires and those who are not are vetted to ensure they will serve the interests of the rich and are increasingly drawn directly from the military-intelligence apparatus. The non-millionaires entering Congress for the first time will find their fortunes rising quite rapidly. The median Congressperson had a net worth of at least $1.1 million in 2015, and the figure has only continued to rise.

According to the latest data analyzed by Open Secrets, Speaker Pelosi had an estimated net worth of $100 million in 2013. Among her declared property holdings that year were a 59,000 square foot warehouse in San Francisco, worth between $5 and $25 million, and a vineyard in Napa Valley, also declared at $5 to $25 million. According to one admiring media profile, her main skill as a Democratic Party leader was as a fund-raiser, having raked in $728 million for Democratic congressional candidates since 2002.

In spite of the lies and cover-up of the 911 attacks and the lies of weapons of mass destruction by of the George Bush Administration that resulted in needless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that resulted in the deaths of millions, Pelosi put impeachment off the table.

Nancy Pelosi’s great achievements of her first tenure was to pass Obama Care scam that shifted the cost of healthcare away from Business and Government and onto the backs of the American people.  Her other great achievement was to cover up the crimes of the Bush Crime Family and push the Democratic Party to the far right stealing wealth from the American people to funnel into endless war. 

Now she is forcing austerity on the American people through “pay go” meaning any hope for Medicare for all has been vanquished.  If Medicare for all is instituted she will demand cuts to other social programs to pay for it.  Disgusting.

Kane was a reverend, possibly from the American South, who started a utopian cult in the early 19th century. However, Kane simply wanted to harvest the energy of his followers' spirits in the afterlife to gain supernatural power; despite this, Kane is shown throughout the films to be a zealot, as he does believe in certain religious values. He led his "flock" into an underground cavern under the premise that the world was about to end, but in truth, Kane simply wanted to kill his disciples and himself and then harvest their souls in death.

Yes, like the Reverend Kane in Poltergeist, Pelosi is leading her Democratic “flock” into an underground cavern where the Deep State will harvest their souls in death.  From James Howard Kunstler via Lew Rockwell:


It’s Nancy Pelosi’s smile that gets me…oh, and not in a good way. It’s a smile that is actually the opposite of what a smile is supposed to do: signal good will and good faith. Nancy’s smile is full of malice and bad faith, like the smiles on representations of Shiva-the-Destroyer and Huitzilopochtli, the Aztec sun god who demanded thousands of human hearts to eat, lest he bring on the end of the world.

It’s not exactly the end of the world in Washington D.C., but as the old saying goes: you can see it from there! It’s out on the edge of town like one of those sinister, broken-down circuses from the Ray Bradbury story-bag, with its ragtag cast of motheaten lions, crippled acrobats, a crooked wagon full of heartbroken freaks, and a shadowy ringmaster on a mission from the heart of darkness.

The new Democratic majority congress has convened in the spirit of a religious movement devoted to a single apocalyptic objective: toppling the Golden Golem of Greatness who rules in the House of White Privilege. They’re all revved up for inquisition, looking to apply as many thumbscrews, cattle prods, electrodes, waterboards, and bamboo splinters as necessary in pursuit of rectifying the heresy of the 2016 election.

The simpleton California congressman Brad Sherman (D-30th dist.) couldn’t contain his glee, like a seven-year-old boy about to pull the wings off a fly. As soon as the Democratic majority was sworn in, he filed his articles of impeachment to impress his Wokester San Fernando Valley constituents out for deplorable blood. That was even a bit too much for Madam Speaker who reminded Sherman that some scintilla of a predicate crime was required — but surely would be available when Special Counsel Robert Mueller hurls down his tablets of accusation from on high.

As for their quarry, the Golden Golem, a.k.a. D.J. Trump, I’m not convinced that he is a mere hapless yegg waiting to be sliced, diced, and skewered. He’s POTUS, after all, and has access to quite a bit of information and expertise.  He’ll shortly have a new Attorney General on board, William Barr, who might just ask the question that has been hanging in the air like a pulsating zeppelin for two years, viz: has Mr. Mueller even paid a casual glance at the shenanigans going on all around him in the Department of Justice and the FBI lo these many many months of prosecuting Trump factotums on rinky-dink process charges?

And might all that monkey business in politicizing the agencies, and scheming to undo Mr. Trump even turn up as a footnote in that holy grail of the Mueller report awaited so eagerly by the inquisitionists?  It would be just and logical if Mr. Mueller had paid attention to the misconduct of the highest officials in the DOJ and FBI beginning in the winter of 2016, since there is an evidence trail as broad as the DC Beltway right out there in the public record.

Maybe Mr. Mueller will surprise many of us and actually include the already-documented misdeeds of his protégé Mr. Comey, Mr. Strzok, Ms. Page, Mr. Rosenstein, Mr. McCabe, Mr. Ohr, Mrs. Ohr, Mr. Brennan, Mr. Clapper, Ms. Lynch, Ms. Yates, and sundry servants of the Obamas and Clintons, involved in the government-sponsored coup attempt. They will eventually have to answer to somebody. I believe that somebody will be Mr. Barr, who will finally have the authority to ignite a counter-inquisition.

It’s important to set these matters aright, if you want to keep the constitution. Under the narcoleptic Jeff Sessions, the institutional rot turned into a possibly fatal gangrene. Did certain parties want to send patsies like George Papadopoulos to prison for a couple weeks, or break, defame, and bankrupt General Flynn under a recklessly malicious prosecution — because that was all that they had to show for two years of looking under every rock and rotten log between the Potomac River and the Kremlin? Has Mr. Mueller even noticed the established fact that Hillary Clinton supplied the inquisition with its founding, false documentary evidence?

So, let the circus begin on Capital Hill. Let them kick out the jams, as we used to say back in Woodstock era. Let Nancy Pelosi finish the work that the Democratic Party started with the election of 2016 — its own destruction as a viable political force. Let all the darkness and malice be wrung out of it so the country can return to its senses and start paying attention to things that really matter, backed by institutions that people of good faith can believe in.

Indeed, “let Nancy Pelosi finish the work that the Democratic Party started with the election of 2016 — its own destruction as a viable political force.”  Good riddance.  Pelosi and the Deep State will do anything to remove President Trump, first thing to do is to orchestrate a stock market crash and blame Trump.  On Christmas Eve, Pelosi and the Deep State sent out the following:

“It's Christmas Eve and President Trump is plunging the country into chaos. The stock market is tanking and the president is waging a personal war on the Federal Reserve — after he just fired the Secretary of Defense,” the Democratic leaders said in a statement shortly after markets closed. 

Ha ha, President Trump is “waging a personal war on the Federal Reserve” that Satanic Central Bank that demands perpetual war and suffering in order to enslave the people of the world for profit.

Satan, being Satan, has scarcely been content with a 10% tithe. As the Beatle's song says, "Be thankful I don't take it all." The economic crisis that besets the world is the brainchild of Satan and he has used deceit, intimidation and murder to bring the poor of the world to their knees. ~ THE FEDERAL RESERVE: THE TITHE TO SATAN ~ Amo Paul Bishop Roden


Federal Reserve Bank Colludes with Deep State to Crash Stock Market

The FED Is the Real Enemy of the American People It’s either We the People or the Federal Reserve; there’s no room for both in a free nation.

How many times has it been said… … … That Deep State is the enemy of the people.  That the Mainstream Media is the enemy of the people.  That the C.I.A. is the enemy of the people.  That the FBI is the enemy of the people.  The NSA is the enemy of the people.  That the DOJ is the enemy of the people.   That the Democrats and RINOs are the enemy of the people.  That most of the U.S. Congress is the enemy of the people.  That the whole SES (Senior Executive Service) is the enemy of the people.  Virtually the entire Legal Class (i.e. BAR attorneys) is the enemy of the people.

Who can argue with any of these self-evident statements?  Each one is entirely true as the election of Donald Trump has revealed.  In fact, Trump tweets alone have exposed the whole bloody system for what it truly is:  THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE.

However …   And it’s a HUGE however, mind you!

It’s the FED, and especially the Central Banks worldwide, that are the REAL enemy of the people.  In fact, the whole world is now witnessing just how dangerous and deadly, reckless and feckless the Federal Reserve Bank (FED) can be.

Only the initiated really understand that the FED has always been this dangerous throughout its entire existence … … … as we all watch FED Chairman Jerome Powell intentionally trigger a stock market crash in real-time.  As a matter of historical fact, every stock market crash and economic depression has been caused directly by the actions (and inactions) of the central banks … and before central banks by the large private banks that constituted the International Banking Cartel.

The many bankster institutions that make up the current Rothschild Crime Syndicate are only the latest incarnation of a draconian system of currency control and manipulation that goes back over 5000 years.  Before the Rothschild clan there was the Black Nobility of Northern Italy in the late 1200s. And way before them there was the Babylonian Brotherhood of the ancient Middle East with many other bankster entities in between.

2018: The Year the FED Exposed Itself

True to form, President Trump has once again taken to Twitter to expose the single biggest scam in world history—the utterly fake Federal Reserve System.  Truly, it doesn’t get any bigger than the Central Banking Racket.  It also doesn’t get any more perilous since it is these international banksters who have purposefully engineered every single war in modern history.

That’s just what these perennial perps do: they look for new ways of wealth creation and it just so happens that war is a really great business.  The globalists also thrive on the disaster capitalism that results after the wars.  They also take advantage of war opportunities to put into practice their primary MO — Ordo ab chao — with which to fabricate new nations and societies.

This is why there is such a chorus of disagreement with Trump’s troop pull-out from Syria and Afghanistan.  The banksters need and want war to fuel their artificially propped up perpetual war economy the world over. 

This is also why Powell has no reservations about triggering a full-blown stock market crash — IN BROAD DAYLIGHT — this Christmas.  Nowadays the banksters don’t even care that the American people see their premeditated collapse of the entire Global Economic & Financial System.

That’s right: Powell is completely unconcerned that everyone knows he is carrying out the devastation of the various markets and national economies worldwide.  The FED has always exercised this much power and influence but surreptitiously implemented their secret agendas of monetary destruction under the radar…way under.

Not so anymore as people everywhere watch Powell insidiously raise the interest rate at a time of extreme instability and increasing insecurity, great risks and growing uncertainty, as well as general fear, apprehension and anxiety permeating the global investment community.  What a ‘perfect time’ to jack up the FED interest rate!

Why, pray tell, would the FED Chair make such a stupid move?  Actually a series of stupid moves throughout 2018.  Because he’s been told to by his Deep State handlers who have been coerced by their International Banking Cartel masters, that’s why.  Powell is Deep State’s inside man to execute the nuclear option—aka an engineered stock market crash!

As FED Chairman, Powell, himself, has no real power… it’s all perceived power.  In fact the POTUS can fire him in a heartbeat if he feels the necessity to do so. See: “Legally the President can fire the Chairman of the Federal Reserve under a specified cause” but Deep State would have us believe otherwise… 

“If we define an American fascist as one who in case of conflict puts money and power ahead of human beings, then there are undoubtedly several million fascists in the United States.”
― Henry Wallace

Yes as stated in the previous article, “war is really great business”… This is why there is such a chorus of disagreement with Trump’s troop pull-out from Syria and Afghanistan.  The banksters need and want war to fuel their artificially propped up perpetual war economy the world over.  From Veterans Today:


Syria Withdrawal Infuriates Satanists and New World Order Agents

“Let’s have no more wars for Israel,” said Mark Dankof. The vast majority of Americans, including this writer and the people at Veterans Today, will agree completely. Perhaps 2019 is the time for the American people to tell the regime in Tel Aviv that "we ain't gonna take it anymore."

New World Order agents, Satanists, and ethnic cleansers are in panic because Trump announced a withdrawal of American troops from Syria.[1] Abe Greenwald of the Neocon magazine Commentary immediately wrote an article entitled, “Yes, Our Unpopular Wars Are Worth It.”[2]

Satanist Max Boot wrote in the Washington Post that “Trump’s surprise Syria pullout is a giant Christmas gift to our enemies.”[3] Why is Trump pulling out of Syria? Well, Boot has a logical answer:

“Why would Trump do this now? Who knows? Given that he is acting at odds with his advisers, this is clearly not the result of a normal policy-review process. This is the Trump Doctrine in operation: Trump does whatever he wants. It could be based on what he had for breakfast — or there could be something more sinister going on.”[4]

Boot will never tell us that the vast majority of Americans never wanted US troops in Syria in the first place. But his crazy assessment has reached a critical mass among the Neocon and Zionist cabal. Zionist puppet and ethnic cleanser Lindsey Graham said: “Withdrawal of this small American force in Syria would be a huge Obama-like mistake.”[5] Graham continued to say:

“We’re going to hold the administration accountable for this decision. If Obama had done this, all of us would be going nuts because it’s such a bad idea. The job of the Congress is to hold the executive branch accountable. He’s the commander in chief, but he needs to be held accountable for his decisions. And I want hearings as soon as possible.”[6]

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen declared: “I’m very disappointed. What I heard when I was in Syria was that while the fight against ISIS was going very well, that there were ISIS fighters who were going underground. And so I think, if we leave, we leave an opportunity for them to come back. And we also cede influence to Iran and Russia and [President Bashar] Assad in Syria in a way that would not be good for the United States.”[7]

Marco Rubio concurred with those assertions, saying that the “decision to pull out of Syria” is “a major blunder.” This major blunder, he continued, “will hunt America for years to come. It will have grave consequences for the US & Israel & great benefit for ISIS, Iran & Hezbollah.”

NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH. People like Graham and Rubio haven’t met a war they didn’t like. But the fundamental problems with these crazy assertions are myriad, too much to detail here. First of all, both the United States and Israel have been supporting ISIS and other terrorist groups throughout the Middle East, most particularly Syria.

Keep in mind that it was Israeli ambassador Michael Oren who posited unequivocally that Israel was more willing to support terrorists and “bad guys” in Syria than to allow the Assad government to thrive and survive.[8]

Second, Satanists like Graham never count the cost of perpetual wars in the Middle East! As the Watson Institute at Brown University has calculated, the United States has already SPENT NEARLY SIX TRILLION DOLLARS ON PERPETUAL WARS in the Middle East since 9/11/.[9] Couldn’t they spend that money on rebuilding America? Couldn’t they use it to pay the average person a living wage?

Satanists have never lack funding for perpetual wars, but they always complain that they do not have adequate funding for social security, education, health care, and more importantly, for giving the average American a living wage.

One last point is that it was Assad, Iran, and Russia that have been fighting real terrorist cells in Syria, not the United States or Israel. In short, although Trump is crazy and unpredictable, he was right when he said he wanted to pull US troops out of Syria. Let’s just hope that he keeps his promise this time.

But decent Americans, as my dear friend and colleague Mark Dankof has pointed out, need to apologize to the precious people in Syria. “We’re putting the Saudi regime and the Israeli regime on notice,” said Dankof. “They are no longer under leading us” to one perpetual war after another in the Middle East.

Let’s have no more wars for Israel,” said Dankof. The vast majority of Americans, including this writer and the people at Veterans Today, will agree completely. Perhaps 2019 is the time for the American people to tell the regime in Tel Aviv that “we ain’t gonna take it anymore.”

How sick is that?  Like “Israeli ambassador Michael Oren posited unequivocally, Israel was more willing to support terrorists and “bad guys” in Syria than to allow the Assad government to thrive and survive.”  Bashir Assad is the elected President of Syria and beloved by the Syrian people.  The American people truly do, need to apologize to the precious people in Syria.  But more than that we need to clear out the rat hole in our government. 

Father Merrin: Especially important is the warning to avoid conversations with the demon. We may ask what is relevant but anything beyond that is dangerous. He is a liar. The demon is a liar. He will lie to confuse us. But he will also mix lies with the truth to attack us. The attack is psychological, Damien, and powerful. So don't listen to him. Remember that - do not listen  ~ The Exorcist

Election after election the same evil agents of the beast returns.  From Stephen Lendman:


New Congress, Same Old Dirty System

Changes from one US electoral cycle to the next leave what’s most important the same or worse – the 116th Congress to prove no different from earlier ones in recent decades, notably since the neoliberal 90s.  The NYT saying “(t)he congressional freshman class of 2019 is best described in superlatives” is way over-the-top, typical Times mumbo-jumbo rubbish.

The 111 new House and Senate members, a 21% turnover from the 115th Congress, left GOP and undemocratic Dem agendas unchanged – new faces in the crowd, same old dirty politics, same endless wars of aggression, same neoliberal harshness, same crackdown on fundamental freedoms, same fantasy democracy.

The Times’ hoopla about “insurgent progressives” in the new Congress perhaps to make a difference is utter nonsense. GOP and undemocratic Dem dark forces control both houses, the way it’s always been.  Newcomers are powerless, most easily controlled to go along or be targeted by well-funded challengers next election. Anyone diverging from dirty business as usual is vulnerable to being defeated next time around.

That’s how the system works. Progressivism is a dirty word in both houses, along with peace, equity, and justice.   Obama’s “Change we can believe in” and “Yes We Can” were empty slogans. Cheerleading his election in November 2008, the NYT ludicrously called it “a national catharsis…an embrace (for) change…a breakthrough” for better times to come.

Endorsing his candidacy pre-election, the self-styled newspaper of record called him “the right choice” to be president, “putting real flesh on his early promises of hope and change…to (find) solutions to this nation’s problems.”  Throughout his tenure, he partnered with Wall Street in looting the federal treasury. He force-fed neoliberal harshness on ordinary people when economic stimulus was needed.  He served privileged interests exclusively at the expense of most others, the nation’s vulnerable harmed most.

He bragged about bombing seven countries in eight years, waging war in Afghanistan, Pakistan (the AfPak war), Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Somalia.  His destructive agenda belied his empty slogans, including:

“Forward”, “Greater Together”, “Betting on America”, “We Don’t Quit”. “Winning the Future”, “We Can’t Wait”, “An America/Economy Built to Last”, “A Fair Shot”

He let economic depression conditions fester for ordinary Americans, unemployment exceeding 20% throughout his tenure, underemployment affecting the vast majority of US workers…  Obama was more a jobs destroyer than creator, his tenure marked by lies, damn lies, and more of them. The great Black hope betrayed his own people most of all.

So did the vast majority of congressional Republicans and Dems, including phony progressive Bernie Sanders, a card-carrying dirty business as usual politician, pretending otherwise – voting 98% of the time with undemocratic Dems.  Like most others in Congress, he promised one thing and did another most often. He’s America’s most popular con man, his soul for sale at the right price.

His rhetorical advocacy for working Americans and young people is hollow – notably in lockstep with the US imperial agenda, one-sided support for Israel, the Wall Street owned and controlled Fed, while pretending to be independent, socialist and progressive – in name only.  He’s the most prominent congressional member touting progressive credentials his voting record spurned.

At least most congressional freshmen can be expected to operate the same way – going along to get along, supporting their party’s leadership to further their political careers.  Most self-styled congressional progressives have a disturbing habit of advocating publicly for one thing, then quietly going another way.  Even RT got it wrong, falsely claiming the Dem “party’s new progressive wing (sic) is challenging the establishment on spending measures and climate action.”

When push comes to shove, their voting record will show they’ll go along with party leaders on most issues – including endless US wars of aggression, neoliberal harshness, and governance of, by, and for its privileged few exclusively…   

The next two years may be some of the most politically disruptive and stormy in US history. Whatever happens won’t slow America’s war machine, nor its service to Wall Street and other corporate favorites.   Ordinary Americans have few allies in Washington. They’ll likely fare worse, not better, under the 116th Congress – dirty business as usual continuing, overriding the general welfare, the way it’s been for decades.

Yes, indeed there is no difference from one election to the next, like Dr. Lendman says “Changes from one US electoral cycle to the next leave what’s most important the same or worse – the 116th Congress to prove no different from earlier ones in recent decades.”  The beast remains and anyone that believes there is a difference between the two parties, or three for that matter is delusional.  Just like in the Exorcist:

FATHER KARRAS:  I think it would be helpful if I gave you some background on the different personalities Regan has manifested. So far, there seems to be three.

FATHER MERRIN:  There's only one.

Like Father Merrin says “there’s only one” that being the beast.  In the Poltergeist it was the Reverent Henry Kane but in the real world today it is the Deep State.  The Deep State has many handmaidens in our government that transfer power back and forth but nothing ever changes.  This time the keeper of the Crypt is Nancy Pelosi.  America needs an Exorcist, let’s hope that President Donald finds one fast.

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