Monday, November 11, 2019

CIA’s six ways from Sunday regime change coup in America

“Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” ~ Senator Chuck Schumer D-NY

The Liberal Democratic Party does not exist, the Conservative Republican Party does not exist. One party exists, it is a War and Terrorism Party consisting of Oligarchs controlled and run by Wall Street and London banks and their enforcement arm’s the CIA, FBI and MI6. Anyone who dares to drain America’s filthy, deadly CIA swamp beware.  The CIA has six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.

 Long ago the GOP infested with CIA backed figures, purged its party of real conservatives; it was right around the time the CIA attempted to assassinate Ronald Reagan and install his Vice President and ex-CIA Director George H.W. Bush. 

Reagan survived but during his tenure, the CIA worked with Vice President Bush within the Reagan Administration to enact a CIA agenda of regime change coups, assassinations, death squads, and rampant terrorism across the globe.  One such CIA black op was the Iran-Contra Affair where arms were sold to Iran to fund illegal regime change and terror across Central America. 

Reagan was an unwitting tool of the CIA that had infested his Republican Party.  When Reagan left office George H.W. Bush’s CIA ran America’s foreign policy unabated which fulminated in Bush pardoning members of the CIA’s criminal enterprise.

When Governor of Arkansas, William Clinton announced his run for presidency against the sitting CIA backed president George H.W. Bush, Bush’s FBI Director, Louis Freeh sent two hundred agents to Arkansas dig up dirt on the Governor and end Clinton’s campaign.  All they found was Jim McDougal who had been charged with check kiting, i.e. (writing worthless checks from multiple accounts and depositing them into those accounts).  This had nothing to do with the Clintons but McDougal had been a partner in an investment with Hillary years earlier called Whitewater, an investment that had lost money.

After Clinton was elected president defeating the CIA’s Bush, Clinton was encouraged to fire FBI Director Freeh as he was hell-bent on impeaching Clinton.  Unlike Trump, who recognized the corruption of FBI Director James Comey and fired him, Clinton retained Freeh.  The CIA backed Senators in the Democratic Party, many who are now pushing for Trump’s impeachment, i.e. Schumer and Biden, eagerly went along with the appointment of a Special Prosecutor to investigate Hillary’s Whitewater investment with the preordained goal of impeachment.

The first Special Prosecutor, Robert Fiske found the Clintons innocent of the charges:

Allegations surfaced during the investigation, which was led by special prosecutor Robert B. Fiske, that Clinton pressured David Hale—former president of a small business investment firm—into making a loan for the Whitewater deal.

Other allegations came out, implying Clinton's gubernatorial campaign debts were paid off by Madison through McDougal. Fiske issued a grand jury subpoena to President Clinton and his wife for documents related to Madison Guaranty. While the Clintons initially reported the records as missing, THE DOCUMENTS WERE EVENTUALLY FOUND, CLEARING THE CLINTONS OF ANY WRONGDOING.

When Special Prosecutor Fiske exonerated the Clintons dashing the hopes for impeachment, the CIA controlled Democrats and Republicans demanded a new investigation into President Clinton and a new Special Prosecutor Ken Starr was appointed.  Starr, a rightwing religious zealot, was obsessed with finding impeachable offenses.  Starr investigated the Clintons for four years until he uncovered a sexual dalliance that provided the basis for impeachment.

Clinton was impeached because he lied under oath.  But there is a difference when you lie under oath to spare your family and loved ones public humiliation and pain like Clinton did and when you lie under oath to undermine National Security like Comey, Clapper and Brennan repeatedly did.  No matter, the CIA backed Democrats and Republicans impeached him but were unable to remove him from office because of public outcry.

Now that Special Investigator Robert Mueller has exonerated President Trump of Russia collusion, the CIA controlled House and Senate have decided to conduct their own investigation with the preordained conclusion of impeachment.  From LaRouche publication:


The Tentacle of ‘Perfidious Albion’ Behind the Impeachment Drive

While embarking on a different project, I happened upon an article by the inimitable Lyndon LaRouche, published in EIR January 15, 1999, concerning the Clinton impeachment. It’s called “To Defeat Impeachment, You Must Defeat the New Confederacy.”

And it struck me, just how apropos that article still is today: The strategic situation bears some striking similarities; only the uniforms of the partisan players have changed. This should tell you that something is controlling the process over and above those in partisan uniforms, something that controls the partisans.

One of the things that is different is that this President is taking on those out to get him on something other than a steamy sexual setup. They already tried that with him, and it landed with a resounding thud, as cheap reruns tend to do. And President Trump has called them out by name, the military-industrial complex, serving imperial aims, the globalists, and declared war on them with substantial public support.  

That is really very, very different. But the enemy is not different. So, I’ll give you some of LaRouche’s insights on the impeachment, which he penned on January 1, 1999, before beginning our discussion on the ongoing Ukrainegate.


LaRouche begins his article by asking: “Will the United States survive this impeachment side show?” And his answer is to call you out. He says, the impeachment is “A British style parliamentary coup d’état,” while noting that the impeachment process was only one among several crucial battlefields in a much wider war. He says, “Whoever thinks only of one issue at a time—one battlefield, or one mass-media week—has made a commitment to losing this war, at the start.”

He noted that the global financial system, run by the City of London and its British Commonwealth appendages, had begun its inevitable collapse, a rolling mudslide. That mudslide culminated in the 2007-2008 collapse from which we have not recovered. Now, a similar bubble has been built up, and there are signs all over the world that its collapse is imminent…

LaRouche said that replacing Bill Clinton with Al Gore would ensure that the neo-liberal and neo-conservative hawks who then controlled Washington would have their way and that it would have become almost inevitable that they would recklessly create a nuclear war. Is replacing Donald Trump with Mike Pence any less a fear-and-panic producing proposition?

He then said, most importantly, “For us, in the United States, the central feature of our war is a fight against treason in our nation’s political establishment, like that treason that led to the Civil War of 1861-1865.” Treason perpetrated by President Lincoln’s London-centered and Wall Street-centered enemies.

He said the British aim has been to “tear up the Constitution and Declaration of Independence,” and then to integrate a shattered United States as a vassal state into the British Commonwealth under conditions of the economic collapse of the world’s economy.

He emphasized that if the President were to be impeached and removed from office, this would create such horrific conditions, that it would be as if the United States lost the Civil War. Under these circumstances, LaRouche stated, the U.S. would either fight a war against that treason or it would be finished as a nation.

But he cautioned sternly, once again, this is a war against the British Empire, which functions throughout the world…  He asserted that this is not an internal U.S. political affair; it is a global affair in which every leading government of the world is vitally interested and will be playing a hand of its own for its own vital strategic reasons…

American System Solution

LaRouche spoke of the bankrupt policies of the world’s central bankers at the time of Clinton’s impeachment, writing:

All of these and related conditions combine to create an explosive political-economic mixture in each and all of these and other nations. We have come into the kind of a time in history, once again, in which wars, revolutions, and terrible dictatorship tend to erupt as if on the order of the day.

And we do see that across the globe today. He added:

Behind every war there is an issue of choice. Contrary to the self-styled geopolitical variety of loonies, such as Halford Mackinder, Karl Haushofer, or Zbigniew Brzezinski, terrain does not cause wars; it is conflicts over choices of response in the political and economic and cultural terrain, which prompt serious warfare. Geopolitics happens to be one of those delusions which tends to cause loonies to choose wars.

He then located the fundamental conflict as that between the American System’s view and the British Monarchy’s view of humankind, writing:

The American System views each man and woman as made in the image of the Creator, as each endowed at birth with a divine spark of a creative power of reason lacking in all lower forms of life. For us, that is the principle of natural law which must underlie all rightful government, axiomatically, as our Leibnizian Declaration of Independence and the Preamble of our Federal Constitution express this commitment to such principles of natural law.

The British monarchy’s system, on the contrary, views the majority of the nation’s and world’s population not as citizens, but as mere subjects of an hereditary, willful, essentially parasitical authority, the which is embodied in institutions controlled by a ruling, imperial financier oligarchy, typified by the pagan tradition of the Venice-modelled Anglo-Dutch financier oligarchy.

Under conditions of crisis, the British oligarchs will produce movements and ideological formations geared toward one thing, preserving their form of “order.”

Right now, advocates of the American System, as revived and revolutionized by LaRouche—those who believe in the human creative ability of the individual citizen—would say, let’s cauterize the bubble before it pops with Glass-Steagall; let’s create a national banking system that can issue credit for real development and modern infrastructure; let’s make sure our capital intensive expenditures result in the high wages and living standards necessary to an advanced population; let’s develop fusion as an energy source and take off to the next frontier, space, in search of scientific breakthroughs and understanding nature’s laws.

It is collaboration on the last of these initiatives—fusion, space, discovery of the actual workings of our universe, which can form the basis of collaboration between nation-states and through which—as LaRouche made clear in his November 29, 2004 study, The Coming Eurasian World, published in EIR Vol. 31 No. 49—mankind will experience a higher and more creative culture than any we have now.

We would also be saying, let’s replace the present international system with new fixed exchange-rate credit mechanisms, developed by the four nation-states of China, India, Russia and the U.S., with the potential, jointly, to survive and prosper despite the coming City of London and Wall Street instigated collapse.

The fact that President Trump leans in these directions, is the reason why the same Anglo-American apparat and its controlled lynch mob of the day is after him.

A different variety of controlled lynch mob impeached but did not convict Bill Clinton, based on a sexual scandal that erupted right after Clinton said the world needed a new financial architecture. And the choices we have to make now in this war, LaRouche’s solutions, are the only sure way to defeat them and outflank them worldwide…

Yep, President Trump is a fighter and if he goes down he will go down fighting taking many scalps with him.  A couple of interesting points from that article are:

1) “One of the things that is different is that this President is taking on those out to get him on something other than a steamy sexual setup. They already tried that with him, and it landed with a resounding thud, as cheap reruns tend to do.” And

2)  The “controlled lynch mob impeached but did not convict Bill Clinton, based on a sexual scandal that erupted right after Clinton said the world needed a new financial architecture.”

Wall Street and the London Banking Center are behind this impeachment side show accommodated by the Oligarchs in the American Congress and enforced by the CIA and MI6. From Chris Hedges at Truthdig:


Death by Oligarchy

Oligarchs are blinded by hubris, wealth and power. Their cloying sense of entitlement sees them outraged by even the most tepid reforms or mildest of criticisms. They lack empathy and compassion, along with remorse or guilt, for what is done to those outside of their tiny, elitist circles. Privilege does strange and unpleasant things to human beings. I saw these distortions among my rich classmates as a scholarship student at prep school and at Harvard University, an institution designed, like all elite schools, to perpetuate the plutocracy. Living in privilege spawns callousness, even cruelty, to those less fortunate and feeds a bottomless greed.

The repugnant characteristics of the rich are skillfully masked by armies of lawyers and publicists, a servile and intimidated press, good manners and the fig leaf of philanthropy. Jeff Bezos, Jamie Dimon, Bill Gates, Jimmy Wales, Peter Thiel, John Mackey and the late Steve Jobs and David Koch—whatever their carefully packaged public image—champion or championed economic and social models that are designed to create a new form of serfdom for the working class and further consolidate the concentration of wealth and power into the hands of the oligarchs. When a society falls into the death grip of an oligarchic class, the result is always catastrophic.

Oligarchs, because they live insulated lives surrounded by obsequious courtiers that cater to their bottomless narcissism and hedonism, wield power based on fantasy. They propagate ruling ideologies, such as neoliberalism and the intellectually and morally bankrupt writings of Ayn Rand, which are not economically rational but justify their privilege.

Their mantra, first uttered by a notorious serial killer and enthusiastically embraced by Rand, is: “What Is Good for Me Is Right.” All our institutions—the press, the courts, legislative bodies, the executive branch and academia—have been perverted to serve the oligarch’s narrow, selfish interests while an oppressed citizenry, struggling to survive, is seething with mounting rage and frustration. The corporate coup orchestrated by the ruling oligarchs over the past few decades gave us Donald Trump. If this coup is not reversed, far worse will follow…

“We are in the midst of a major global, political, economic, social and cultural transition—but we don’t know which way we’re headed,” writes Lisa Duggan in “Mean Girl: Ayn Rand and the Culture of Greed.” “The incoherence of the Trump administration is symptomatic of the confusion as politicians and business elites jockey with the Breitbart alt-right forces while conservative evangelicals pull the strings. The unifying threads are meanness and greed, and the spirit of the whole hodgepodge is Ayn Rand...”

This spirit of meanness corrupts the far right and the far left. It defines the Christian fascists and the alt-right as it defines many in antifa and the black bloc, although unlike their fascist opponents the far left in the United States is a marginal, poorly organized, ideologically bankrupt and ineffectual political force…

No battle to accrue profit is too small for oligarchs. The election for City Council in Seattle saw Bezos, the world’s richest man, spend $1.5 million to flip the council to serve his business interests. Bezos was incensed by a council decision last year to tax Amazon, which in 2018 paid no federal income tax, and other businesses to help provide housing for the city’s 11,000 homeless. AMAZON GOT THE CITY’S TAX REPEALED WITHIN A MONTH.

Bezos in this election targeted his nemesis, the socialist City Councilwoman Kshama Sawant, who thankfully was re-elected, and pushed a slate of pro-business candidates for the council. Bezos failed, this time, to seize control of the council. No doubt, the next round of elections will see him triple or quadruple his investment. The 2016 elections had a price tag of $6.5 billion, but as Hamilton Nolan points out in the Guardian, “for a group that exercises total control over a federal budget of more than $4 trillion, that’s a real bargain.”

Oligarchs, freed from outside oversight and regulation, wantonly pillage the political and economic institutions that sustain them. They run up huge government deficits by slashing taxes on the rich. This forces an underfunded government to borrow from the banks, further enriching the oligarchs, and impose punishing austerity programs on the public.

They privatize traditional government services, including utilities, intelligence gathering, large parts of the military, the police, the prison system and schools to make billions in profits. They create complex financial mechanisms that ensure usurious interest rates on mortgages, personal and student loans. They legalize accounting fraud and suppress wages to keep the public trapped in a crippling debt peonage. They loot trillions in taxpayer money when their speculative bubbles burst.

They are no longer capitalists, if we define capitalists as those who make money from the means of production. They are a criminal class of financial speculators that rewrite the laws to steal from everyone, including their own shareholders. They are parasites that feed off the carcass of industrial capitalism. THEY PRODUCE NOTHING. THEY MAKE NOTHING. THEY MANIPULATE MONEY. And this gaming of the system and seizure of political power by finance capital is why the wealthiest 1% of America’s families control 40% of the nation’s wealth.

Dimon, the chief executive of JPMorgan Chase with an estimated worth of $1.4 billion, is the poster child for corporate greed and criminality. He directed JPMorgan Chase to underwrite fraudulent securities in the years leading up to the 2008 financial crash. He overcharged members of the military on mortgages and mortgage refinancing transactions. He overcharged customers for overdraft fees.

He manipulated bidding on California and Midwest electricity markets. He overcharged homeowners for flood insurance. He billed customers for nonexistent credit card monitoring services. He charged minorities higher rates and fees on mortgages than those paid by white borrowers. He failed to pay overtime to company workers.  Yes, JPMorgan Chase had to pay more fines than any other financial institution in the country, but the profits more than offset its fraudulent and criminal activity.

It is Dimon, along with fellow oligarchs Gates and the billionaire investor Leon Cooperman, who has recently led the attack on Warren. Dimon chastised her for her “wealth tax” plan and for allegedly vilifying “successful people.” Cooperman accused Warren of seeking to wreck the American dream. Gates also denounced her wealth tax plan, although if he did have to pay the tax, he would still be worth $6 billion. When questioned, Gates refused to say whether, if Warren becomes the Democratic nominee, he would support Trump.

GREED IS BOTTOMLESS. IT IS THE DISEASE OF THE RICH. The more the oligarchs accumulate the more they want. This is the dark side of human nature. It has always been with us. All societies are plagued by social inequality, but when those on the bottom and in the middle of the social pyramid lose their voice and agency, when the society exists only to serve the greed of the rich, when income inequality reaches the levels it has reached in the United States, the social fabric is torn apart and the society destroys itself.

Aristotle warned about the danger of oligarchies nearly 2,500 years ago. We stand on the cusp of social and political disintegration, bequeathed to us by oligarchs who have seized total power. The ruling oligarchs will stymie all attempts at reform. This makes a crisis inevitable. Once we enter this crisis, the oligarchs will become the most potent enablers of despotism.

Trump is a direct threat to the American and British Oligarchs because he has taken on their Spook agencies, exposing them like cockroaches in the sunlight of day.   Every political rally turns into another exposé of the corrupt media who serve as CIA/FBI stenographers.  Their time is limited as Trump stirs up the masses and turns them against the Deep State and they know it and they are running scared.  From Russia Insider:


CIA, FBI Fight for Their Lives as RussiaHoax Implodes

CBS-News carried another bucket of muddy water for the coup team Sunday night with a lead 60 Minutes agit-prop story on Maria Butina, an ambitious Russian cutie who worked the American NRA circuit in the most public manner imaginable to make herself into a sex-bomb celebrity at the exact moment in history when the US Deep State wished to reinforce the fantasy, as Lesley Stahl put it, that “Russia was interfering in our electoral process.”

Of course, Ms. Stahl and her shifty producers left out half the story: how Maria Butina was manipulated by her FBI-handler and sometime-boyfriend, Patrick Byrne, the former CEO who had been employed by the Bureau over the years on other undercover assignments.

They didn’t mention him or seek to understand his role in the operation. But they gave plenty of air-time to the DOJ lawyer, John C Demers, who prosecuted Ms. Butina, and never bothered to ask Demers why Butina was not charged with espionage — perhaps because nothing remotely like that occurred.

How media giants like Ms. Stahl can keep mouthing this malarkey designed to stoke a new cold war is one of the great mysteries of our national psychology these days. You’d think they’d learned something from the train wreck of the Mueller Investigation, the Brett Kavanaugh fiasco, and the current debacle of Adam Schiff’s imploding Ukraine whistleblower caper — namely, that spouting lies will eventually get you found-out and disgraced.

But the coup team is now dangerously stuck tripling and quadrupling down on its fairy tale narrative as the reckoning of its dark deeds approaches and its star players await their turns on the witness stand. Half the country has been waiting patiently for authorities-of-standing to put an end to this Hitchcockian campaign of seditious fog that has driven us close to the brink of a second civil war…

None of that evidence has been posted through the main media outlets wholly owned by the coup team, gospel to the other half of America, and soon millions of credulous bystanders who got high on three years of CIA-issued RussiaGate Kool-Aid will get the surprise of their lives when they discover how deeply they were played.

The CIA and the FBI are in a fight for their lives now. The evidence shows pretty clearly that these rogue agencies conducted all the election “meddling” of 2016 and that the RussiaGate hysteria was an engineered smokescreen to hide their tracks and cover their asses when the certainty of a Hillary election triumph nauseatingly resolved unfavorably in the cold, gray dawn of 11/8/16. Despite the chatter about an “insurance policy,” they were quite unprepared for the exposure that loomed.

They also badly underestimated the resources of what is now a very sturdy which has managed to weave the real story of what happened over the past three years into a shocking tapestry of massive subversion and treachery. A big part of the true story is how amazingly incompetent the RussiaGate coupsters were.

Did they really believe they could conceal the ties between their agencies and Glenn Simpson’s Fusion GPS operation, and its feckless front man, British ex-spy Christopher Steele, and the whole outfit’s connection to Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee?

Did they suppose they could pass off Stephan Halper and Joseph Mifsud as Russian agents when the two have consorted with US and allied intelligence for decades? The US Department of Defense even holds Mr. Halper’s million-dollar pay stubs and Mr. Mifsud appears in photographs of every Western cloak-and-dagger cocktail get-together of spook officialdom for the last twenty years.

The latest, and most desperate gambit is the UkraineGate whistleblower, a CIA employee blatantly playing errand-boy for his mentor John Brennan and deeply tied to 2016 election shenanigans emanating from Ukraine, featuring his former employer, ex-Vice-President Joe Biden.

This shadowy figure, pegged as Eric Ciaramella, 33, may shortly find himself in a grand jury chamber answering for his role in this charade. Ciaramella has just been hung out to dry by his sponsor, Rep. Adam Schiff in a desperate attempt to dissociate himself from the huggermugger within his House Intel Committee that preceded the falsely blown whistle.

It’s not an overstatement to say that many of the figures behind this gigantic web of lies and deceit ought to answer charges up to and including treason. THE QUESTION IS WHETHER MESSERS BARR & DURHAM HAVE THE COJONES TO CATER THE BANQUET OF CONSEQUENCES THAT THIS HUGE CAST OF CHARACTERS SHOULD BE MADE TO FEAST FROM.

Another question is whether these desperate characters and the agencies they represent will go all the way now and attempt to enlist the military brass in an outright overthrow of the executive. There are already intimations of this. It would be answered by the kind of civil violence that has broken out in other parts of world where other Deep States have worn out their welcome — and their legitimacy.

My, my, my.  Sounds like the Spook agencies have really gotten their tit caught in the ringer.  As the article says “Did they really believe they could conceal the ties between their agencies and Glenn Simpson’s Fusion GPS operation, and its feckless front man, British ex-spy Christopher Steele?”  While the CIA/FBI media stenographers push the Russian collusion meme, the real culprits of a coordinated election interference have thus far been protected.  From Matt Taibbi at Rolling Stone:


Why Is Christopher Steele Still a Thing?

The ex-spy and infamous “dossier” author posits yet another elaborate theory of foreign infiltration

Fresh evidence has also emerged of attempts by the Kremlin to infiltrate the Conservatives by a senior Russian diplomat suspected of espionage, who spent five years in London cultivating leading Tories including Johnson himself…  The committee’s report is based on analysis from Britain’s intelligence agencies, as well as third-party experts such as the former MI6 officer Christopher Steele…

Christopher Steele became famous in the United States as the author of a “dossier” that claimed Russians had been “cultivating, supporting, and assisting” Donald Trump “for at least 5 years.”  Now Steele is back, claiming that the Russians have been cultivating the Tories and Boris Johnson for… five years.

You can’t make this stuff up. The only thing comparable would be Ahmed Chalabi lobbying for a sequel invasion after the WMD hunt in Iraq came up empty, and having the same humiliated media figures and politicians reach for pom-poms all over again.  

Steele first appeared in connection with the Trump story as a “well-placed Western intelligence source” in a 2016 Yahoo News article by Michael Isikoff. The piece claimed a Trump aide named Carter Page was discussing the lifting of sanctions with Rosneft chief Igor Sechin.

Steele, in fact, was a private opposition researcher hired by the “premium research” firm Fusion-GPS, on behalf of the Hillary Clinton campaign. The Yahoo story came out on September 23, 2016; it would be over a year before Steele’s status as a paid Clinton researcher would be made public.

After Isikoff’s piece came out, the Clinton campaign released a statement about how it was “chilling” to learn that “U.S. intelligence officials” were “conducting a probe into suspected meetings between Trump’s foreign policy adviser Carter Page and members of Putin’s inner circle.”

If the merry-go-round trick of commenting gravely about a story you yourself planted sounds familiar, it’s because it’s the tactic used by Vice President Dick Cheney in the early 2000s, when he went on Meet The Press to comment about “a story in the New York Times this morning” regarding Saddam Hussein’s aluminum tubes. Press figures denounced such chicanery then.

Steele’s report came out in full during the transition, in a sleazy series of maneuvers by outgoing intelligence officials, who presented the incoming president with a synopsis of Steele’s work.

When details of this meeting leaked, news outlets that previously had been sitting on Steele’s report because it was unverifiable suddenly had a “hook” to release news about the briefing: Intelligence chiefs relayed “allegations that Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump.”  The resulting viral furor spurred Buzzfeed to publish the entire dossier, so Americans could “make up their own minds.”

In this way, the dossier was published without ever going through a vetting process. For all the talk of hacking, this was a true Trojan Horse penetration of the American news media system (not that most media companies minded, of course).

Enthusiasts now cling to the idea that the “dossier” was merely a “starting point,” and remains “neither proved nor disproved” (the New York Times translation for “unmentionable until published by someone less reputable”), but the whole shooting match should have ended once the world got a chance to read Steele’s reports. Any sane person’s Malcolm Gladwell-Blink reaction to these memos would be that they were lunatic conspiratorial horseshit on the level of Avril Lavigne dying and being replaced by a clone named “Melissa.”

Steele’s most boffo-sensational charge was Russians having a tape of Trump getting off to prostitutes peeing on a Moscow hotel bed once slept in by Barack and Michelle Obama. This, he said, “enabled” the Russians to blackmail Trump “if they so wished.”  However, per Steele, Putin chose instead to offer a “regular flow” of “lucrative” real estate deals that Trump for “some unknown reason” kept declining, even though Steele simultaneously reported Trump was “exploring the real estate sector in Petersburg as well as Moscow…”

Meanwhile Trump — who at the outset of the alleged conspiracy was issuing reality TV challenges to heavyweights like LaToya Jackson, Meat Loaf, and Jose Canseco — was supposedly feeding Putin information about Russian oligarchs in America, through Russian émigrés “living in the U.S. as cover” (read: Russian immigrants). These middlemen were paid through the “mechanism” of Russian pension “disbursements.”


Finally, after “at least” five years of “well-developed conspiracy,” when Russia’s prize asset at last became the nominee of the Republican Party, Putin according to Steele withheld a secret kompromat file on Hillary Clinton that was being personally run by spokesperson Dmitry Peskov (because who doesn’t put a press chief known to half the world’s foreign correspondents in charge of a secret intelligence file?)…

Devastating revelations? Not to Trump’s Team, who Steele claimed was “relaxed” about Russia stories appearing in the press, as those only “deflected media and Democrats’ attention” away from the real story, i.e. the “substantial… bribes and kickbacks” in China. Steele said these would have been “very damaging” to the Trump campaign if revealed, though Steele didn’t know what they were well enough to reveal them…
Trump aides Carter Page and Paul Manafort, named as key conduits, managed to keep their conspiracy to act as intelligence go-betweens hidden even from secret FISA monitoring, the vast Chinese swindles never emerged, and no one ever found those cutout consular officials, whom Steele in an interview with a State Department official seemed to have believed were being paid out of a nonexistent Russian consulate in Miami.

If you read this and thought it was silly, you weren’t alone. In early 2017, CNN anchor Jake Tapper wrote to Buzzfeed editor Ben Smith in a snit, complaining that Smith had been “irresponsible” and “uncollegial” when he published the dossier. Was Tapper upset that Smith had broken with ethical tradition by publishing unverified material, defaming a string of named human beings as traitorous spies without evidence?

Nope. Tapper was mad that Smith had defamed the story by showing where it came from! “I think your move makes the story less serious and credible,” he wrote, in an email produced as part of a lawsuit against Buzzfeed. “I think you damaged its impact.”

Tapper apparently liked the Steele tale better when it was coming out in bits, through more politically astute sources like his buddy and future co-worker, the former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, one of the four Sneaky Petes who presented Trump with the Steele synopsis…

America didn’t lose its mind for the two ensuing years because of Russian hacking, but rather because of the widespread belief that the new president was a long-cultivated Russian agent who would be found out at any moment, across years of “tipping points” and “beginnings of the end.”

The original source of this madness was Steele, and the media and political figures who leaned with all their might into this phony narrative — especially the ones who knew it originated as Clinton campaign research — should be as embarrassed as the newspapers and news networks who pushed the WMD hunt.

This obviously hasn’t happened, as the instinct instead has been to apply the Scarlet Letter of conspiracy theory to those who didn’t buy this nonsense, usually on the grounds that any effort to “discredit” Steele is just pro-Trumpism by another name.  This has nothing to do with Trump, and everything to do with restoring controls that are supposed to exist to prevent the press from leading the public off the deep end.

The WMD affair showed what happens when we don’t require sources to show us evidence, when we let political actors use the press to “confirm” their own assertions, when we report on the journey of rumors instead of the rumors themselves, and most especially when we lionize intelligence and law enforcement figures, who usually turn out to be just as craven and unreliable as the rest of us.

When we let stuff like this go, the public sees us as fools, at which point it doesn’t matter whether what we write is for or against any politician, because nobody believes us anyway. Is this really the industry standard we’re gunning for? Are we never going to own up to this one?

Yep, that is the media parlor trick, publish unsubstantiated explosive allegations from an unnamed “high ranking official” and then that unnamed official goes on all the CIA controlled media to cite those media published allegations as evidence that it is true.  But the whole kit and caboodle is coming crashing down because President Trump is a fighter.  Trump has the bully pulpit and as Matt Taibbi pointed out, “the public sees us (the media) as fools and it doesn’t matter what we write because nobody believes us anyway. 

Now our entire intelligence apparatus and media mocking bird media are under fire, they are desperate to discredit the Trump Administration and impeach Trump before the truth can come out.  Enter stage right, Attorney General William Barr and his appointed prosecutor John Durham.  From Zero Hedge:


Will Durham Investigation Tank Impeachment Efforts?

If the recent moves by prosecutor John Durham are any indication, some important people have cause to be worried. After the investigation into the origin of the Russia probe became a criminal matter, many have speculated as to who might be in Durham’s crosshairs.

Sources familiar with Durham’s investigation recently told Fox News the prosecutor likely has evidence that crimes were committed. So who is guilty of wrongdoing, and how will the progressive left, who championed the failed Russia collusion narrative, react?

Indictments On The Horizon?

Durham recently elevated his investigation to criminal status, which broadens the powers of the authorities looking into the matter. It means he can subpoena witnesses, call a grand jury, and take other actions. Fox News’ source indicated that the prosecutor might know already who engaged in illegal activities.

“You do not impanel a grand jury at this point unless you are going to indict,” the source said. “Durham is at a point where he knows he has crimes and now the question is how many people were involved and they have a pretty good idea of that group of people and what the charges can be and whether or not they can get some cooperators.”

If the source is correct, it means Durham possesses much of the information he needs to issue indictments. Perhaps elevating the investigation gets him closer to uncovering the rest of the crimes. If this is true, Durham’s probe is likely to send the progressive left into a tizzy; they did not expect to be on the receiving end of this strategy. So how will the Democrats and their close allies in the corporate press react if the prosecutor files indictments and makes arrests? It seems they have already given us a clue.

How Will The Left React?

The Democrats have already placed Durham in their sights, and the leaders are rushing to condemn Attorney General William Barr for daring to investigate government officials for potential wrongdoing. With no sense of irony, they accuse the Justice Department of conducting a politically motivated investigation to harm Trump’s political opponents. This is what a lack of self-awareness looks like, folks.

William Barr

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) issued a joint statement, lashing out at the attorney general. “The Department of Justice under AG Barr has lost its independence and become a vehicle for President Trump’s political revenge,” they whined. “If the Department of Justice may be used as a tool of political retribution or to help the President with a political narrative for the next election, the rule of law will suffer new and irreparable damage.”

Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) claimed that Durham’s investigation is not warranted. He stated that the Senate Intelligence Committee “is wrapping up a three-year bipartisan investigation, and we’ve found nothing remotely justifying this.”

Apparently, the Democrats have embraced the “good for me but not for thee” policy over the past three years when it comes to investigations.

What About Impeachment?

In the midst of an attempt to impeach President Donald Trump, the arrests of government officials who began an obvious politically motivated investigation is the last thing the Democrats want. While they use the president’s phone call with Ukraine as a pretext to conduct yet another probe, it might not be a good look if Durham indicts other officials for doing the same.

Fox News also reported that the prosecutor is “very interested” in questioning former CIA Director John Brennan and former National Intelligence Director James Clapper. In fact, another source told Fox that Brennan was informed by his attorney that Durham might reach out to him. FBI agent Peter Strzok – a key member of the team investigating the Trump campaign – also might be a focus of the continuing investigation. He has been the subject of scrutiny since messages between himself and former FBI attorney Lisa Page revealed a distinct anti-Trump bias.

It is no secret that the Democrats have been planning to impeach Trump since five minutes after he won the election in 2016. The false Russia collusion narrative was supposed to be the kill shot to the president’s time in office. But special counsel Robert Mueller’s report revealed that their efforts were based on utter falsehoods. Now, the left has replaced Russia with Ukraine, hoping to pound a final nail in the coffin. It is clear to anyone following politics that it is out to get Trump by any means necessary.

However, if Durham’s investigation results in indictments of prominent individuals who targeted the president during the 2016 campaign season, it might be yet another demonstration that Democrats are motivated by politics when it comes to removing Trump, not a sense of duty or altruism. It is one thing to lead an impeachment effort based on “Orange Man Bad;” it is quite another if the DOJ exposes left-leaning government officials who used illegal means to damage the president.

Support for impeachment is still high, but it is sinking. As time goes on, with no new compelling evidence against Trump, it will continue to decline. If Durham arrests political actors who worked against the Trump administration, the American public will see through the effort to unseat the president through the impeachment process. Then the Democrats will not have the support they need to push it through. Either way, it looks like the Democrats’ only hope for victory lies with the 2020 election, not the impeachment process.

Ouch, that’s the worst thing that can happen to the two-headed War and Terrorism Party.  “Their only hope for victory lies with the 2020 election.”  If that’s the case a stake has been driven through their black heart.

The Liberal Democratic Party does not exist, the Conservative Republican Party does not exist. One party exists, it is a War and Terrorism Party consisting of Oligarchs controlled and run by Wall Street and London banks and their enforcement arm’s the CIA, FBI and MI6. We were warned that anyone who dares to drain America’s filthy, deadly CIA swamp beware.  The CIA has six ways from Sunday to get even with you.  Turns out that the CIA is about as powerful as the Wizard of Oz hiding behind a curtains bellowing out scary threats.

Trump is fighting back and that’s bad news for the War and Terrorism Party.  They foolishly have put all their putrid eggs in one basket the impeachment basket believing they could continue to hide behind a media provided curtain of deceit.  God Bless President Trump for taking on the CIA and exposing rot that has permeated our government for too long and God Bless America.

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